[PLUG-TALK] Cordless landline phones & headsets

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Thu Feb 10 14:29:02 UTC 2022

On Wed, 9 Feb 2022, John Jason Jordan wrote:

> Can the phone connect to Bluetooth devices? If so there are lots of high
> quality audiophile headphones with a hidden microphone on the side. I have
> a pair of Sony 4182367 that I use for symphonic music; cost me about $50.


Looking on the Web I see a few cordless phones designed for bluetooth
handset connections, but they are few and very expensive. For example, a
Panasonic model with three handsets sells on Amazon for $666. Feh!

Mitel sells business phone systems but they're VoIP.

I have a Plantronics over-the-ear bluetooth earset(?) I used with my Treo
700 cell phone when Oregon required hands-free phone use in moving vehicles.
I can't pair it with the landline handset.

The Panasonic handset came with a slide-on pocket/belt clip which I use to
hang it from a pocket when I'm away from my desk and expecting a call. I
also have an extra poor-voice-quality headset and I will replace the
speaker/microphone end with an adapter onto which I can slip the handset and
have the headband hold it next to my ear. If it works and doesn't drag my
head down to my shoulder it should work well when I need both hands on the
keyboard while conversing with someone on the phone.

Thanks for the suggestion,


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