[PLUG-TALK] Masks with ear loops ... NIOSH?

Russell Senior russell at personaltelco.net
Wed Jan 5 00:49:36 UTC 2022

>>>>> "Keith" == Keith Lofstrom <keithl at kl-ic.com> writes:

Keith> My Honolulu sister bought some "KN95" ear-loop respirator masks;
Keith> US manufactured by BNX (type number E95) but /not/
Keith> NIOSH-approved.  BNX makes a very similar respirator mask (H95,
Keith> around the head) that /is/ NIOSH approved.  A few more random
Keith> searches here:

Keith> https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npptl/topics/respirators/disp_part/n95list1-a.html

Keith> I found no NIOSH-approved ear loop masks, though I did not look
Keith> at many.

Keith> Some of you may have masks with ear loops - COULD YOU SEARCH FOR
Keith> THEM on the NIOSH data base and tell me if they are approved?

In the tradition of spouting useless/unreliable speculation, having
semi-idly gone looking for N95-ish masks recently, my non-conclusive p<1
guess is that NIOSH requires an around the head strap to maintain the
cheek seal. Again, this *GUESS* has not been validated in any manner
whatsoever. I regret to acknowledge this paragraph doesn't not move us
any closer to p=1.

Russell Senior
russell at personaltelco.net

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