[PLUG-TALK] Much has been said about the utility of wide screens

John Jason Jordan johnxj at gmx.com
Sat Jul 9 21:50:50 UTC 2022

On Sat, 9 Jul 2022 13:04:25 -0400
Tomas Kuchta <tomas.kuchta.lists at gmail.com> dijo:

>It seems that these guys have heard some of the wide screens complains
>- 16:18 screen format with decent (OK-ish) color gamut
>What you think....?

How do you set it up on Linux? Maybe xrandr? Do desktop environments
allow a user to set size of icons, text, etc. for the advertised
resolution? I have two computers with UHD monitors, and it took a lot
of work to get them usable, and some things are still not quite right.
I would bet that setting up this thing would be major bit of

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