[PLUG-TALK] bullseye clock

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Wed Nov 16 05:46:03 UTC 2022

> Well ... If all the VMs are running on the same laptop

three ganeti clusters: westin, ashburn, infomart

> https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/avoiding-clock-drift-vms

netsrv.sea.rg.net:/home/randy> chronyc sources
MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample               
^* c-24-16-172-3.hsd1.wa.co>     1  10   377   760  +3640us[+3880us] +/- 8674us
^+ time.cloudflare.com           3   8   377   124   -510us[ -510us] +/-   19ms
^- clock2.infonet.ee             1  10   377   614   +959us[ +959us] +/-   78ms
^+ time.cloudflare.com           3   6   377     5   -965us[ -965us] +/-   17ms

> https://serverfault.com/questions/28803/what-happens-when-you-sync-your-hardware-clock-in-a-vm

hmmm.  all these vms were not doing this until a version bump in
deb11/bullseye.  non-deb11 systems show no symptoms.

but good ideas.  i will keep digging in my copious spare time.



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