[PLUG-TALK] Deleting an old google analytics account

wes plug at the-wes.com
Wed Nov 30 07:48:12 UTC 2022

On Tue, Nov 29, 2022 at 12:24 PM Rich Shepard <rshepard at appl-ecosys.com>

> Many years ago a former partner and I set up a Google Analytics account,
> spillwatch.permitwatch.com. I want to remove it but instructions I find in
> my web searches all result in deleting www.appl-ecosys.com, which I don't
> want to do.

I think it may be helpful to get a little more specific with some of the
terminology here.

Google Analytics is not an "account" so much as it is a particular service.

it is accessed via logging in to a google account.

it is then configured to run on a given website.

> While my web site is now https://appl-ecosys.com (or
> https://www.appl-ecosys.com) and I have GA4 linked to it I've not found
> how
> to move the spillwatch application to the trash can for garbage collection.
> When I display the spillwatch.permitwatch.com application and click
> Settings -> Admin I'm shown the account to be delete as
> www.appl-ecosys.com.
> Assuming the whole domain would be deleted rather than just that one
> application I quickly shift into reverse and back out of the site.

you are seeing the google analytics info for appl-ecosys.com because the
analytics service tied to google account you're currently logged into is
configured for appl-ecosys.com. my best guess is that you and/or your
former partner probably set up a different google account at that time to
run the analytics and any other google services that may have been in use
for that site.

another wrinkle is that data from certain services (which includes
analytics) can be shared among multiple accounts, with one being the
"owner" and the rest being given access. accounts with access to data they
don't own will often display the data in the same way as data for services
they do own, which can lead to confusion. I don't know what steps you're
following; it's possible you may be getting into the section to delete the
entire analytics service from your account, rather than just the one page.

where are you seeing it that you want to delete it from?

> All suggestions on how to remove only one site name (which actually no
> longer exitsts; both trying to load that URL in a browser tab and trying to
> load site:spillwatch.permitwatch.com report it doesn't exist) are welcome.
> TIA,
I could probably advise better if I could see it. I don't use analytics but
I do use a lot of google services and understand how they work in general.


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