[PLUG-TALK] Rose City Book Pub needs WiFi (whether they want it or not)

John Jason Jordan johnxj at gmx.com
Tue Oct 4 07:50:36 UTC 2022

On Mon, 3 Oct 2022 15:47:27 -0700
Clinton <c2plugtalk at gmail.com> dijo:

>I got invited to an event at the RCBP, last week (had never been) and
>thought it would be a pretty cool place for a meet-up. It's on NE
>Fremont. I liked the ambiance, and there is beer and food. The problem
>is I could not find any guest WiFi (I could have been mistaken)
>(Perhaps they don't want it??). They require proof of vaccination.
>There are no events on their calendar, for Thursday.
>Is anyone interested in meeting up on the 6th, like 7:30?

Interesting possibility. I did notice this on their site: ' there is a
food and drink minimum of $10 per person per hour. You can split the
bill or arrange catering for your meeting.'

I have the vaccination card from the CDC; it's in the car someplace, if
I can find it. Maybe I'll pop by to see what it's like. I'll probably
stay only until they throw me out because I didn't buy enough stuff.

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