[PLUG-TALK] De-Googling talk Sep 21

Aaron Burt aaron at bavariati.org
Sat Sep 10 14:32:20 UTC 2022

The PDX DevOps meeting is generally worth attending, its host Alice 
tries to ensure that it's about a lot more than Terraform and CI/CD.  I 
know that big-tech hegemony and self-hosting have been popular topics 
here, so I feel like this month's meeting might be especially 
interesting to us folks:


Update on the De-Google:
In 2019, I gave a talk on getting off Google. I outlined the reasons why 
at the time, and presented a list of alternatives. Well, it's been a few 
years, Google hasn't gotten any more ethical & they've probably 
deprecated 16,874 product lines since then, and I'd like to share what's 
worked, and also what has not worked. I'll present some new alternatives 
to what I presented back then, & we'll talk about what's changed & why 
in my recommendations.

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