[PLUG-TALK] downloading gmail to linux/home machine

Bill Barry wabarry at gmail.com
Fri Sep 23 01:03:03 UTC 2022

On Thu, Sep 22, 2022 at 7:16 PM Keith Lofstrom <keithl at kl-ic.com> wrote:

> I don't use Gmail much.  An Arizona friend has in
> the past, and now wants to download his many saved
> emails to his own computer.
> Or mine, then I him a flash drive.
> The Ask (please respond to this part and delete
> the second part):
> --------------------------------------------------
> Is there an easy way download the entire folder of
> ALL saved Gmail messages, besides screen-by-screen
> cut-and paste?
> --------------------------------------------------
> The Explanation:
> (FYI, no response desired, but if so /please/ change
> the subject line.  This is an intelligence test)
> After he owns his old correspondence, he can move to
> another email provider that respects his privacy and
> doesn't analyze his emails for other companies.
> Perhaps unwanted "sharing" by Google in what got him in
> (undeserved) big trouble with a Big Internet Retailer,
> as a result of an unwelcome email sent to him, Gmail
> to Gmail.  His pointed refusal to help a now-ex-friend
> do something wrong was treated by Gmail bots as /his/
> solicitation to do something wrong.
> Bots are stupid.  We are insects.  Kafka was prescient.
> I will /not/ share the particulars on this list, or with
> Gmail users, or I might get in trouble with BIR too.
> For more details, contact me offlist, and please do not
> use Gmail to do so.
> Keith
That service is called Google Takeout. You can download Gmail and other
parts of data you might have stored at Google.


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