[PLUG-TALK] downloading gmail to linux/home machine

Tomas Kuchta tomas.kuchta.lists at gmail.com
Fri Sep 23 09:03:53 UTC 2022

On Thu, Sep 22, 2022, 20:16 Keith Lofstrom <keithl at kl-ic.com> wrote:

> I don't use Gmail much.  An Arizona friend has in
> the past, and now wants to download his many saved
> emails to his own computer.
> Or mine, then I him a flash drive.
> The Ask (please respond to this part and delete
> the second part):
> .

I do that all the time. If maildir text format works for you:
In gnome:
1. Start gnome-control-center
2. In Online Accounts: Add the Gmail account
3. Start Evolution email client - you should see the gmail account.
4. Copy all the Gmail stuff to email folder "On This Computer"
5. Exit Evolution
6. Your emails are in .local/share/evolution/mail/local

I'm positive there are other ways.


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