[PLUG-TALK] Electronic recycling

Ben Koenig techkoenig at protonmail.com
Mon Nov 6 05:34:34 UTC 2023

------- Original Message -------
On Sunday, November 5th, 2023 at 9:08 PM, wes <plug at the-wes.com> wrote:

> > > I do believe they would have updated their website if they had stopped
> > > taking donations. they don't know how to update their phone greeting
> > > message but they do know how to update the website ;)
> > > 
> > > -wes
> > 
> > Well that's debatable. They still list their education program as closed
> > but appear to have a link to a new "education platform". Though I'm not
> > sure platform is the correct term since it's just a jumble of text on a
> > google sites landing page.
> TIL a great deal of effort and many long hours poured into designing and
> writing educational material for introductory technology usage can be
> summed up as a "jumble of text"
> -wes

I'm well aware of the long hours that go into such a task, as I am the person who put in those long hours to write the howto guide installed on every Free Geek system between 2012 and 2015.. and then eventually said that they don't need me.. so i'm a little salty about their re-invention of the wheel.

Fun fact: the document I wrote was designed using a basic docbook layout. It could be used to generate a PDF for installation on the user's computer or static HTML for distribution over the web. The idea is that as they moved on from xubuntu they could incrementally keep it updated and not have to go through what they are obviously doing right now. I lead the project, but several other interns participated. If you find the old doc all our names are listed. 

The term used by Free Geek managers to describe me was "over qualified". I sincerely hope whoever wrote this current interation of the Getting Started guide gets more credit than those of us in the past. But I doubt they will from anyone within Free Geek.

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