[PLUG-TALK] SpaceWar is back! Rebuilding the world’s first gaming computer

Russell Senior russell at pdxlinux.org
Fri Jun 7 23:25:52 UTC 2024

On 6/6/24 08:23, Galen Seitz wrote:
> A large team of tech nostalgia enthusiasts have made a PiDP-10, a 
> replica of the PDP-10 mainframe computer first launched by the Digital 
> Equipment Corporation in 1966
> <https://www.theguardian.com/technology/article/2024/jun/06/reinventing-the-pdp-10> 

I have one of Oscar Vermeulen's PiDP8's. He did a demo of the PiDP-10 on 
CuriousMarc's youtube channel recently.

I never really new the MIT SpaceWar game, but in 1977 I played *A LOT* 
of the arcade version at the Electric Palace in Beaverton Mall. My best 
friend at the time, Brian Coulombe, and I had a summer-long 100-game 
tournament. I don't remember who won, but it didn't really matter. I 
loved that game. The only one I have really seen since was at a video 
game show at OMSI about a decade ago. It had a vector graphics display, 
and they are (afaik) quite rare. The MIT SpaceWar game had a web-based 
version that I played a little a few years ago.

Russell Senior
russell at pdxlinux.org

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