[PLUG-TALK] Irony repeats

Brian Scrivner captainplanet at hevanet.com
Sat May 18 06:28:45 UTC 2024

How would you know whether they purchased the wood? If they used 
repurposed wood (such as old fence planks), using it would have the same 
economic impact (none) as using old plastic, metal, or anything else.

It's not clear what you're on about. "Many years ago," "young folks 
protesting." The URL you gave didn't work for me and isn't backed up at 
Internet Archive.

Most tree-sit protests I'm aware of were protesting clear-cutting, not 
use of wood products generally. Often, the clear-cutting was in 
violation of environmental protection laws. The activity often 
endangered health of streams and caused erosion issues. Etc.

The most famous tree-sitter is Julia Butterfly Hill. In the 1990s, she 
helped protest against clear-cutting by Pacific Lumber Company in a 
redwood forest of Humoldt County, CA. Already by this point, their 
clear-cutting had caused a landslide that destroyed 8 homes in Stafford. 
So, the protesting was not just for environmental protection, but 
community protection.

Feel free to mention any details you know about the wood planks used for 
these protests, or even mention any specific protest.

  - Brian

On 5/16/24 19:30, plug-talk-request at lists.pdxlinux.org wrote:
> Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 07:09:15 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Rich Shepard<rshepard at appl-ecosys.com>
> To:plug-talk at lists.pdxlinux.org
> Subject: [PLUG-TALK] Irony repeats
> Message-ID:<6496f99-91d-46c9-ee5-5eb7a4b81d4 at appl-ecosys.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=US-ASCII
> Many years ago there were young folks protesting the logging of old growth
> trees by building wood platforms in the trees and sitting on the platform.
> Apparently the irony of using milled lumber to protest cutting down trees
> for lumber still exists. A current example can be seen here:
> <https://tinyurl.com/5e7y8est>.
> I'm certainly not against the logging, timber, and forest products
> industries; wood is a great building material. Selective cutting, while more
> expensive than clear cutting, is the better way to go. And old growth trees
> should be allowed to end their life naturally. But, securing a wooden
> platform to a high branch in a tree is not the best way to express one's
> opinion. It reminds me of the old anti-drug campaigns that showed a parent
> with a cigarette in one hand and a cocktail drink in the other telling their
> child to not use drugs.
> Carpe weekend,
> Rich

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