[PLUG] Linux Security Quickstart?

Michael Rasmussen mikeraz at patch.com
Thu Sep 23 08:05:02 UTC 2004

On Thu, Sep 23, 2004 at 02:42:21PM +0000, j a wrote:
> I have a Fedora Core 2 box and am about to get a DSL connection.  Before I 
> hook up, I'd like to increase my security.  Can anyone recommend a good 
> Linux Security Quickstart for Dummies?  I don't know anything about 
> networking, how to close ports, set up a firewall, etc.

1) Fedora Core 2 offers to set up firewalling as part of the setup.  Accept the offer.
2) as root on your new FC2 box run `chkconfig --list | grep on`  That will give you a 
   list of running services.  Figure out what you don't need and shut them down with
   chkconfig --del <unneeded service> && /etc/init.d/<unneeded service> stop
3) Bastille will walk you through the process of security hardening your box while
   teaching you about the issues.  You can learn more and get a copy at

After you've done the above remember that we're always here.

Having said all that, a firewall or an operating firewall on your box  is the #1
line of protection.   Remember to control what goes out as well what comes in.

    Michael Rasmussen, Portland Oregon  
  Be appropriate && Follow your curiosity
   Get Fixed:  http://www.dampfixie.org
  The fortune cookie says:
	Oh, dear, where can the matter be
	When it's converted to energy?
	There is a slight loss of parity.
	Johnny's so long at the fair.

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