May 2007 Archives by thread
Starting: Tue May 1 00:21:49 UTC 2007
Ending: Thu May 31 23:12:35 UTC 2007
Messages: 602
- [PLUG] "Disabling IRQ 7"
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Mount can't make up its mind
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Modifying a FreeBSD disk image
- [PLUG] ANNOUNCEMENT: May PLUG Meeting - Note room change
David Mandel
- [PLUG] dnscache suddenly stoped working
Roderick A. Anderson
- [PLUG] Mounting RAID partition with live CD
Michael M.
- [PLUG] Re: PLUG Digest, Vol 31, Issue 61
- [PLUG] OTBC Downtown Portland Lunch and Learns
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] printing to CUPS server under Debian Etch
- [PLUG] HELP -- Superblock problem
William A Morita
- [PLUG] Superblock problem -- Somewhat resolved
William A Morita
- [PLUG] SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT: May PLUG Meeting - Note room change
David Mandel
- [PLUG] Eye candy Web pages
Ed Sawicki
- [PLUG] tar help
User Iam
- [PLUG] Hardware driving me nuts!
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Re: PLUG Digest, Vol 32, Issue 6
Charles Eckenroed
- [PLUG] hardware errors
Christine Navarro
- [PLUG] HUGHES.NET ( Satellite ) and Linux/Network
Roderick A. Anderson
- [PLUG] Mounting an odd filesystem type
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Samba Problem
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] BarCamp Announcement (repeat)
Geoffrey Burling
- [PLUG] The bullet has been bitten
M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
- [PLUG] Portland Area VMware User Group Meeting
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] OpenSourceHowTo.Org
Paul Matthews
- [PLUG] X on another machine
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Scientific Linux 5
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] No Sound
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] FreeBSD
User Iam
- Resolved: [PLUG] Bad Controller?
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Storing and Restoring Alsamixer settings
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Anybody want $100 mini-pc?
- [PLUG] Gaim fails if automatically loaded.
Denis Heidtmann
- [PLUG] Victor needs help compiling emacs from source on unbuntu 6.06
Victor Soich
- [PLUG] CruiseControl, Linux, JMX
tkubaska at
- [PLUG] can one email from within a program?
tkubaska at
- [PLUG] Sorry about the multiple messages
tkubaska at
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
drew wymore
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
Larry Brigman
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
Galen Seitz
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
Aaron Burt
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
Larry Brigman
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
drew wymore
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
Larry Brigman
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
Larry Brigman
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
Larry Brigman
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
drew wymore
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
Larry Brigman
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
Dan Young
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
Russell Johnson
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
Jason Martin
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
Galen Seitz
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
Jason Martin
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
Aaron Burt
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
Jason Martin
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
William A Morita
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
Galen Seitz
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
Galen Seitz
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
Larry Brigman
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
Galen Seitz
- [PLUG] SATA II, mdadm and soft power off
drew wymore
- [PLUG] Cabinet for Clinic
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Re: PLUG Digest, Vol 32, Issue 28
Dale D. Snell
- [PLUG] Bug-tracking software.
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] SCO LOM version
User Iam
- [PLUG] SOHO NAS recommendations
Jason Martin
- [PLUG] Microsoft and opensource ... what does it mean?
- [PLUG] Photobucket privacy policy
Denis Heidtmann
- [PLUG] Be very afraid
John Poelstra
- [PLUG] Is this a disk crash?
- [PLUG] ISP email server application
Sean Whitney
- [PLUG] atmel usb wireless + openSuSE 10.2 = machine hangs
David Fleck
- [PLUG] MySQL - Can't connect except as root
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] PowerTOP power monitoring tool
Galen Seitz
- [PLUG] Announcement -- PLUG Advanced Topics May 21, 2007
- [PLUG] pdxbot
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] emacs keybindings for
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] Skype and the yealink driver...
- [PLUG] Automounting of USB thumbdrive.
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] variables in apache
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] SMART data with SATA Question
William A Morita
- [PLUG] advice wanted; RH certification usefulness
David Fleck
- [PLUG] wake on lan not working
Eric Wilhelm
- [PLUG] USB2 to P-ATA drive interfaces (useful data)
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] Emacs/Gnus Tutorials & Workshops?
Dr. Terry L. Bonner
- [PLUG] cruisecontrol and tomcat and logs
Ted Kubaska
- [PLUG] deep philosophical question
Kurt Sussman
- [PLUG] tar
User Iam
- [PLUG] It was going so well...
Ed Sawicki
- [PLUG] Linux Reality Show
- [PLUG] Linux distro curiosity...
- [PLUG] dmesg
User Iam
- [PLUG] title bar / toolbars are very large this morning...
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] Ubuntu verses Fedora: fuse-sshfs and fstab
Roderick A. Anderson
- [PLUG] Toshiba laptop & Ubuntu
Bruce Kilpatrick
- [PLUG] Debugging CUPS Printing Issue
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Gnome desktop panel shifted to right side of desktop
Jack Hoke
- [PLUG] HP & Linux in Financial News
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Ubuntu LIVE and OSCON Registration
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Solved: Gnome Panel Problem
Jack Hoke
- [PLUG] Belkin KVM
User Iam
- [PLUG] Cancel print job with CUPS - client-error-forbidden
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Network Printer Debugging
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Dell and Ubuntu
Jason Martin
- [PLUG] Home Network Hardware Choices
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] job posting
Michael Rasmussen
- [PLUG] Lunch 2.0
- [PLUG] Posting history crisis...
- [PLUG] Small distros for older machines
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] $100 ($119 shipped) mini-pc notes online
- [PLUG] Comcast lease problem
poor02 at
- [PLUG] Feisty freeze-ups solved
Bruce KIlpatrick
- [PLUG] using VM Ware for "real" work -- has any one had success with this?
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] selinux and permissions
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] Serial <> Ethernet bridging.
Russell Johnson
- [PLUG] Linux Job: VOIP/Asterisk/Linux installer
Jay D. Allen
- [PLUG] flixster spam
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] LAMP Platform Updating Problems
Kenneth B. Hill
- [PLUG] Smart greylisting...
- [PLUG] Linux, Active Directory, and Samba
Joshua | Mace | Skinner
- [PLUG] OSCON lug discount
Sean Whitney
- [PLUG] Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, May 14
David Mandel
- [PLUG] [Fwd: Re: user group discount for Portland Ubuntu conference]
Galen Seitz
Last message date:
Thu May 31 23:12:35 UTC 2007
Archived on: Tue Feb 21 19:37:19 UTC 2023
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