September 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Sep 3 03:20:26 UTC 2007
Ending: Sun Sep 30 22:33:18 UTC 2007
Messages: 303
- [PLUG] TV tuner card experiences/recommendations?
Roderick A. Anderson
- [PLUG] ssh_pam and CentOS 5
Roderick A. Anderson
- [PLUG] ssh_pam and CentOS 5
Roderick A. Anderson
- [PLUG] ssh_pam and CentOS 5
Roderick A. Anderson
- [PLUG] ssh_pam and CentOS 5
Roderick A. Anderson
- [PLUG] Cisco 678 again
Bill Barry
- [PLUG] Victor is going through the book Linux System Administration
Bill Barry
- [PLUG] Bizarre network problem
Bill Barry
- [PLUG] intermittent Actiontecs (was Cisco 678 again)
Bill Barry
- [PLUG] intermittent Actiontecs (was Cisco 678 again)
Bill Barry
- [PLUG] cisco 678
Bill Barry
- [PLUG] Tools for really thrashing a machine, and reporting specific errors
Bill Barry
- [PLUG] DNS service hosting recomendations needed
Bill Barry
- [PLUG] FTP server question
Bill Barry
- [PLUG] Firefox does not play ASF file
Steve Beattie
- [PLUG] swap: when to worry
M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
- [PLUG] Tools for really thrashing a machine, and reporting specific errors
M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
- [PLUG] A Good Day for Linux
M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
- [PLUG] cron question
Jeme A Brelin
- [PLUG] cron question
Jeme A Brelin
- [PLUG] cron question
Jeme A Brelin
- [PLUG] Victor is going through the book Linux System Administration
Larry Brigman
- [PLUG] Victor is going through the book Linux System Administration
Larry Brigman
- [PLUG] cisco 678
Larry Brigman
- [PLUG] Tools for really thrashing a machine, and reporting specific errors
Larry Brigman
- [PLUG] Clinic on 9/16?
Aaron Burt
- [PLUG] Getting old Y2K fixes...
Aaron Burt
- [PLUG] Tools for really thrashing a machine, and reporting specific errors
Aaron Burt
- [PLUG] Resolved: Virtual Machine won't start
Aaron Burt
- [PLUG] A Good Day for Linux
Aaron Burt
- [PLUG] Nvidia Geforce GPU presentation - last freegeek linux clinic
Aaron Burt
- [PLUG] resizing vfat filesystem
Aaron Burt
- [PLUG] Nvidia Geforce GPU presentation
Aaron Burt
- [PLUG] Nvidia Geforce GPU presentation - last freegeek linux clinic
Aaron Burt
- [PLUG] Cisco 678 again
Ronald Chmara
- [PLUG] Victor is going through the book Linux System Administration
Ronald Chmara
- [PLUG] install to external HD, use as internal?
Robert Citek
- [PLUG] cron question
Robert Citek
- [PLUG] cron question
Robert Citek
- [PLUG] resizing vfat filesystem
Robert Citek
- [PLUG] resizing vfat filesystem
Robert Citek
- [PLUG] resizing vfat filesystem
Robert Citek
- [PLUG] Firefox does not play ASF file
Wil Cooley
- [PLUG] cisco 678
Wil Cooley
- [PLUG] TV tuner card experiences/recommendations?
Wil Cooley
- [PLUG] TV tuner card experiences/recommendations?
Wil Cooley
- [PLUG] TV tuner card experiences/recommendations?
Wil Cooley
- [PLUG] TV tuner card experiences/recommendations?
Wil Cooley
- [PLUG] A Good Day for Linux
Wil Cooley
- [PLUG] Nvidia Geforce GPU presentation
Wil Cooley
- [PLUG] Local Python Help?
Wil Cooley
- [PLUG] Local Python Help?
Wil Cooley
- [PLUG] Kooka Help
Ali Corbin
- [PLUG] ssh_pam and CentOS 5
Ali Corbin
- [PLUG] Firefox does not play ASF file
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] TV tuner card experiences/recommendations?
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] TV tuner card experiences/recommendations?
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] TV tuner card experiences/recommendations?
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] Scanner - was Kooka Help
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] kbuildsycoca ... why?
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] Fwd: computer parts
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] Fwd: computer parts
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] TV tuner card experiences/recommendations?
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] Victor is going through the book Linux System Administration
Eric Davis
- [PLUG] SQL-Ledger looks like overkill
Eric Davis
- [PLUG] SQL-Ledger looks like overkill
Eric Davis
- [PLUG] DNS service hosting recomendations needed
Eric Davis
- [PLUG] Getting old Y2K fixes...
Bill Ensley
- [PLUG] SQL-Ledger looks like overkill
Russ Gilman-Hunt
- [PLUG] Cisco 678 again
Quentin Hartman
- [PLUG] swap: when to worry
Quentin Hartman
- [PLUG] Bizarre network problem
Quentin Hartman
- [PLUG] intermittent Actiontecs (was Cisco 678 again)
Quentin Hartman
- [PLUG] TV tuner card experiences/recommendations?
Quentin Hartman
- [PLUG] TV tuner card experiences/recommendations?
Quentin Hartman
- [PLUG] A Valuable Lesson on Using Proprietary Video Drivers
Quentin Hartman
- [PLUG] A Valuable Lesson on Using Proprietary Video Drivers
Quentin Hartman
- [PLUG] resizing vfat filesystem
Quentin Hartman
- [PLUG] Local Python Help?
Quentin Hartman
- [PLUG] Need Help Starting X on Rebuilt Box
Paul Heinlein
- [PLUG] TV tuner card experiences/recommendations?
Paul Heinlein
- [PLUG] Apache loading default when Virtual host is defined
Paul Heinlein
- [PLUG] Finally, Galen can get back to work.
Dwight Hubbard
- [PLUG] A Good Day for Linux
Dwight Hubbard
- [PLUG] TV tuner card experiences/recommendations?
Dwight Hubbard
- [PLUG] FreeBSD--Zone file
User Iam
- [PLUG] FreeBSD--Zone file
User Iam
- [PLUG] named-bind9
User Iam
- [PLUG] named-bind9
User Iam
- [PLUG] named-bind9
User Iam
- [PLUG] Apache loading default when Virtual host is defined
Daniel Johnson
- [PLUG] Clinic on 9/16?
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Need Help Starting X on Rebuilt Box
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Wiki is now online
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Print from Knoppix live CD
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Toshiba laptop & Ubuntu
Bruce KIlpatrick
- [PLUG] cisco 678
Bruce KIlpatrick
- [PLUG] cisco 678
Bruce KIlpatrick
- [PLUG] cisco 678
Bruce KIlpatrick
- [PLUG] cisco 678
Bruce KIlpatrick
- [PLUG] Finally, Galen can get back to work.
- [PLUG] vm for emacs - saving emails to IMAP folders
Carlos Konstanski
- [PLUG] vm for emacs - saving emails to IMAP folders
Carlos Konstanski
- [PLUG] vm for emacs - saving emails to IMAP folders
Carlos Konstanski
- [PLUG] A Valuable Lesson on Using Proprietary Video Drivers
Carlos Konstanski
- [PLUG] FTP server question
Carlos Konstanski
- [PLUG] cron question
Carlos Konstanski
- [PLUG] Configuring resolution of XDMCP client
Carlos Konstanski
- [PLUG] cron question
Carlos Konstanski
- [PLUG] FTP server question
Robert Kopp
- [PLUG] Configuring resolution of XDMCP client
Robert Kopp
- [PLUG] swap: when to worry
- [PLUG] Finally, Galen can get back to work.
- [PLUG] dd-wrt 802.11a
- [PLUG] Getting old Y2K fixes...
Pomeroy Lab
- [PLUG] I need your help
Pomeroy Lab
- [PLUG] Upcoming Linux Fest Get Involved Early Reap the Rewards for Your LUG Later!
Pomeroy Lab
- [PLUG] DNS service hosting recomendations needed
Alex LeDonne
- [PLUG] Local Python Help?
Alex LeDonne
- [PLUG] Comcast, books, IP addresses - (was) Victor ...
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] Automatic scrolling graphics?
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] SATA hot swap
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] Wiki is now online
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] The PLUG Library is now available
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] Tools for really thrashing a machine, and reporting specific errors
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] SATA hot swap, PATA bridge
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] Nvidia Geforce GPU presentation
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] Nvidia Geforce GPU presentation
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] Nvidia Geforce GPU presentation - last freegeek linux clinic
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] Nvidia Geforce GPU presentation
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] PLUG wiki, PLUG library
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] Scanner - was Kooka Help
Derek Loree
- [PLUG] ANNOUNCEMENT: September PLUG Meeting
David Mandel
- [PLUG] ANNOUNCEMENT: September PLUG Meeting
David Mandel
David Mandel
- [PLUG] Nvidia Geforce GPU presentation
Jason Martin
- [PLUG] Nvidia Geforce GPU presentation
Jason Martin
- [PLUG] Nvidia Geforce GPU presentation
Jason Martin
- [PLUG] Fedora 7 Privileged User Nag
Matt McKenzie
- [PLUG] Nvidia Geforce GPU presentation - last freegeek linux clinic
William Milmoe
- [PLUG] Fedora 7 Privileged User Nag
William A Morita
- [PLUG] Comcast, books, IP addresses - (was) Victor ...
Paul Mullen
- [PLUG] Need Help Starting X on Rebuilt Box
Paul Mullen
- [PLUG] Another M2NPV-VM Question: Sound
Paul Mullen
- [PLUG] Local Python Help?
Paul Mullen
- [PLUG] Local Python Help?
Paul Mullen
- [PLUG] Local Python Help?
Paul Mullen
- [PLUG] Looking for netboot rescue image
Randall J. Parr
- [PLUG] Bizarre network problem
Fedor Pikus
- [PLUG] Bizarre network problem
Fedor Pikus
- [PLUG] Bizarre network problem
Fedor Pikus
- [PLUG] Bizarre network problem
Fedor Pikus
- [PLUG] Firefox does not play ASF file
Fedor Pikus
- [PLUG] Firefox does not play ASF file
Fedor Pikus
- [PLUG] Firefox does not play ASF file
Fedor Pikus
- [PLUG] Scanner - was Kooka Help
Michael Rasmussen
- [PLUG] FTP server question
Michael Rasmussen
- [PLUG] Apache loading default when Virtual host is defined
Michael Rasmussen
- [PLUG] cron question
Michael Rasmussen
- [PLUG] cron question
Michael Rasmussen
- [PLUG] cron question
Michael Rasmussen
- [PLUG] Apache loading default when Virtual host is defined
Michael Rasmussen
- [PLUG] Apache loading default when Virtual host is defined
Michael Rasmussen
- [PLUG] cron question
Michael Rasmussen
- [PLUG] Nvidia Geforce GPU presentation
Michael Rasmussen
- [PLUG] Apache loading default when Virtual host is defined - Resolved
Michael Rasmussen
- [PLUG] Ubuntu / Debian research - Apache config
Michael Rasmussen
- [PLUG] Ubuntu / Debian research - Apache config
Michael Rasmussen
- [PLUG] cron question
Tony Rick
- [PLUG] Nvidia Geforce GPU presentation
Tony Rick
- [PLUG] Fwd: computer parts
Tony Rick
- [PLUG] Fwd: computer parts
Tony Rick
- [PLUG] [PLUG-ANNOUNCE] Software Freedom Day 2007
Glen E. P. Ropella
- [PLUG] Cisco 678 again
Ed Sawicki
- [PLUG] Cisco 678 again
Ed Sawicki
- [PLUG] Cisco 678 again
Ed Sawicki
- [PLUG] intermittent Actiontecs (was Cisco 678 again)
Ed Sawicki
- [PLUG] intermittent Actiontecs (was Cisco 678 again)
Ed Sawicki
- [PLUG] FreeBSD--Zone file
Charlie Schluting
- [PLUG] SQL-Ledger looks like overkill
Charlie Schluting
- [PLUG] DNS service hosting recomendations needed
Charlie Schluting
- [PLUG] Apache loading default when Virtual host is defined
Charlie Schluting
- [PLUG] Ubuntu / Debian research - Apache config
Charlie Schluting
- [PLUG] Apache loading default when Virtual host is defined
Randal L. Schwartz
- [PLUG] Cisco 678 again
Jon Scully
- [PLUG] Cisco 678 again
Jon Scully
- [PLUG] Bizarre network problem
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Bizarre network problem
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Bizarre network problem
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] cisco 678
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] cisco 678
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] vm for emacs - saving emails to IMAP folders
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Finally, Galen can get back to work.
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] dd-wrt 802.11a
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Nvidia Geforce GPU presentation
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Nvidia Geforce GPU presentation - last freegeek linux clinic
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Need Help Starting X on Rebuilt Box
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Need Help Starting X on Rebuilt Box
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Need Help Starting X on Rebuilt Box
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Need Help Starting X on Rebuilt Box
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Need Help Starting X on Rebuilt Box
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Another M2NPV-VM Question: Sound
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Another M2NPV-VM Question: Sound
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Another M2NPV-VM Question: Sound
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Another M2NPV-VM Question: Sound
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] SQL-Ledger looks like overkill
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] A Valuable Lesson on Using Proprietary Video Drivers
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] A Valuable Lesson on Using Proprietary Video Drivers
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] A Valuable Lesson on Using Proprietary Video Drivers
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] kbuildsycoca ... why?
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] kbuildsycoca ... why?
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] A Good Day for Linux
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] A Good Day for Linux
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] A Good Day for Linux
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Is the PLUG web site down?
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] nVIDIA drivers
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Local Python Help?
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Local Python Help?
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Local Python Help?
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Local Python Help?
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Local Python Help?
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Local Python Help?
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Victor is going through the book Linux System Administration
Victor Soich
- [PLUG] Victor is going through the book Linux System Administration
Eli Stair
- [PLUG] Tools for really thrashing a machine, and reporting specific errors
Eli Stair
- [PLUG] ssh_pam and CentOS 5
Eli Stair
- [PLUG] Looking for netboot rescue image
Eli Stair
- [PLUG] Resolved: Printing current sheet in OO Calc
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Clinic on 9/16?
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Clinic on 9/16?
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] SQL-Ledger looks like overkill
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Virtual Machine won't start
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Kooka Help
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Kooka Help
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Resolved: Virtual Machine won't start
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Sound in VMware Server
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Scanner - was Kooka Help
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Scanner - was Kooka Help
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Resolved: Scanner - was Kooka Help
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Scanner - was Kooka Help
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] cron question
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] cron question
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] cron question
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Resolved (I think): cron question
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] cron question
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] install to external HD, use as internal?
Kurt Sussman
- [PLUG] Off Topic external hard drive troubleshooting
Kurt Sussman
- [PLUG] DNS service hosting recomendations needed
Mark Turner
- [PLUG] Comcast, books, IP addresses - (was) Victor ...
Sean Whitney
- [PLUG] Comcast, books, IP addresses - (was) Victor ...
Sean Whitney
- [PLUG] Another M2NPV-VM Question: Sound
Sean Whitney
- [PLUG] TV tuner card experiences/recommendations?
Sean Whitney
- [PLUG] TV tuner card experiences/recommendations?
Sean Whitney
- [PLUG] Victor is going through the book Linux System Administration
Eric Wilhelm
- [PLUG] wow, HPLIP scanning is painless
Eric Wilhelm
- [PLUG] SATA hot swap
Eric Wilhelm
- [PLUG] A Good Day for Linux
Eric Wilhelm
- [PLUG] DNS service hosting recomendations needed
Mark Wills
- [PLUG] A Good Day for Linux
Dan Young
- [PLUG] HelixPlayer...
Dan Young
- [PLUG] Bizarre network problem
- [PLUG] Room number
- [PLUG] cisco 678
- [PLUG] Need Help Starting X on Rebuilt Box
- [PLUG] Need Help Starting X on Rebuilt Box
- [PLUG] Need Help Starting X on Rebuilt Box
- [PLUG] Still need speaker for Advanced Topics
- [PLUG] Another M2NPV-VM Question: Sound
- [PLUG] PLUG Advanced Topics - September 17th 2007
- [PLUG] Finally, Galen can get back to work.
- [PLUG] FTP server question
- [PLUG] A Good Day for Linux
- [PLUG] Is the PLUG web site down?
tkubaska at
- [PLUG] Is the PLUG web site down?
tkubaska at
- [PLUG] Is the PLUG web site down?
tkubaska at
- [PLUG] binary dump utility?
- [PLUG] Looking for netboot rescue image
plug at
- [PLUG] Looking for netboot rescue image
plug at
- [PLUG] Booting Debian on Ebox 2300 with a 4G CF card
plug at
- [PLUG] HelixPlayer...
ogmoid at
- [PLUG] Victor is going through the book Linux System Administration
jason justman
- [PLUG] Cisco 678 again
- [PLUG] Cisco 678 again
- [PLUG] Victor is going through the book Linux System Administration
- [PLUG] Comcast, books, IP addresses - (was) Victor ...
- [PLUG] Comcast, books, IP addresses - (was) Victor ...
- [PLUG] cisco 678
- [PLUG] Getting old Y2K fixes...
- [PLUG] TV tuner card experiences/recommendations?
- [PLUG] FTP server question
- [PLUG] [PLUG-ANNOUNCE] Software Freedom Day 2007 - Portland
tony mancill
- [PLUG] Getting old Y2K fixes...
- [PLUG] HelixPlayer...
- [PLUG] Victor is going through the book Linux System Administration
robinson-west user
- [PLUG] Getting old Y2K fixes...
robinson-west user
- [PLUG] Cisco 678 again
drew wymore
- [PLUG] Victor is going through the book Linux System Administration
drew wymore
- [PLUG] cisco 678
drew wymore
- [PLUG] named-bind9
drew wymore
- [PLUG] DNS service hosting recomendations needed
drew wymore
- [PLUG] Off Topic external hard drive troubleshooting
drew wymore
- [PLUG] SAN storage
drew wymore
Last message date:
Sun Sep 30 22:33:18 UTC 2007
Archived on: Tue Feb 21 19:38:21 UTC 2023
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).