September 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Sep 1 01:26:06 UTC 2008
Ending: Tue Sep 30 22:40:38 UTC 2008
Messages: 267
- [PLUG] on Linux Kernel Summit and Linux Plumbers Conference 2008
- [PLUG] video TO and keyboard/mouse FROM a laptop
- [PLUG] Gateway M1626 laptop, AMD64, Realtek
- [PLUG] Need Advanced Topics speaker for September 17th.
- [PLUG] Still no speaker for Advanced Topics
- [PLUG] ANNOUNCEMENT: PLUG Advanced Topics Meeting Wed Sept 17th 2008
- [PLUG] video TO and keyboard/mouse FROM a laptop
Roderick A. Anderson
- [PLUG] video TO and keyboard/mouse FROM a laptop
Roderick A. Anderson
- [PLUG] video TO and keyboard/mouse FROM a laptop
Roderick A. Anderson
- [PLUG] cdrecord, SCSI, and CD-RW
Roderick A. Anderson
- [PLUG] cdrecord, SCSI, and CD-RW
Roderick A. Anderson
- [PLUG] XSane and a scanner on network server
Roderick A. Anderson
- [PLUG] XSane and a scanner on network server
Roderick A. Anderson
- [PLUG] Power On Problem
Roderick A. Anderson
- [PLUG] Missing emails
Roderick A. Anderson
- [PLUG] Missing emails
Roderick A. Anderson
- [PLUG] Resolved: Bigmem not recognizing memory
Bill Barry
- [PLUG] Resolved: Bigmem not recognizing memory
Bill Barry
- [PLUG] on Linux Kernel Summit and Linux Plumbers Conference 2008
M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
- [PLUG] Perl question
Larry Brigman
- [PLUG] help me understand this pin-level kernel-interface stuff
Larry Brigman
- [PLUG] help me understand this pin-level kernel-interface stuff
Larry Brigman
- [PLUG] Business Adoption of F/OSS: Europe vs. US
Larry Brigman
- [PLUG] Preparing for a distro change
Tim Bruce
- [PLUG] DIY wiring supply source?
Don Buchholz
- [PLUG] interesting data transfer bug
Ian Burrell
- [PLUG] DNS question
Ronald Chmara
- [PLUG] interesting data transfer bug
Ronald Chmara
- [PLUG] interesting data transfer bug
Ronald Chmara
- [PLUG] Gateway M1626 laptop, AMD64, Realtek
Robert Citek
- [PLUG] Root password for ubuntu?
Robert Citek
- [PLUG] Adding Partitions to fstab in Ubuntu
Robert Citek
- [PLUG] Open Source Meeting Software
Robert Citek
- [PLUG] How to run fsck on /home partition
Robert Citek
- [PLUG] Missing emails
Aaron Ten Clay
- [PLUG] Lindependence Oregon
Mike Connors
- [PLUG] Network Training?
Mike Connors
- [PLUG] video TO and keyboard/mouse FROM a laptop
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] Looking for suggestions / first-hand experience with tablet PCs.
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] Root password for ubuntu?
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] Root password for ubuntu?
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] Root password for ubuntu?
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] Looking for suggestions / first-hand experience with tablet PCs.
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] Ubuntu GDM won't load
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] Ubuntu GDM won't load
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] How to run fsck on /home partition
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] How to run fsck on /home partition
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] Welcome to the "PLUG" mailing list (Digest mode)
Rogan Creswick
- [PLUG] Hardware puzzle of the day - desktop won't boot
David Fleck
- [PLUG] Hardware puzzle of the day - desktop won't boot
David Fleck
- [PLUG] Hardware puzzle of the day - desktop won't boot
David Fleck
- [PLUG] Welcome to the "PLUG" mailing list (Digest mode)
Gurumurthy, Sujatha
- [PLUG] DIY wiring supply source?
Kirk Harr
- [PLUG] How to Block WEB Access for Certain IPs?
Kirk Harr
- [PLUG] How to run fsck on /home partition
Kirk Harr
- [PLUG] Sound problems AGAIN
Denis Heidtmann
- [PLUG] Sound problems AGAIN
Denis Heidtmann
- [PLUG] Sound problems AGAIN
Denis Heidtmann
- [PLUG] Adding Partitions to fstab in Ubuntu
Denis Heidtmann
- [PLUG] Received Mail difficult to forward
Denis Heidtmann
- [PLUG] Received Mail difficult to forward
Denis Heidtmann
- [PLUG] Received Mail difficult to forward
Denis Heidtmann
- [PLUG] video TO and keyboard/mouse FROM a laptop
Paul Heinlein
- [PLUG] video TO and keyboard/mouse FROM a laptop
Paul Heinlein
- [PLUG] A Question on Pine Roles
Paul Heinlein
- [PLUG] How to run fsck on /home partition
Paul Heinlein
- [PLUG] A Question on Pine Roles
Paul Heinlein
- [PLUG] A Question on Pine Roles
Paul Heinlein
- [PLUG] A Question on Pine Roles
Paul Heinlein
- [PLUG] Disk wiping utility?
Kristian Erik Hermansen
- [PLUG] Creative SB X-Fi issues
Joshua Hoblitt
- [PLUG] Open Source Meeting Software
Scott Howard
- [PLUG] Looking for suggestions / first-hand experience with tablet PCs.
Dwight Hubbard
- [PLUG] How to run fsck on /home partition
Dwight Hubbard
- [PLUG] How to Block WEB Access for Certain IPs?
Stuart Jansen
- [PLUG] How to Block WEB Access for Certain IPs?
Stuart Jansen
- [PLUG] How to Block WEB Access for Certain IPs?
Stuart Jansen
- [PLUG] SUSE 10.1 and YaST
Stuart Jansen
- [PLUG] SUSE 10.1 and YaST
Stuart Jansen
- [PLUG] SUSE 10.1 and YaST
Stuart Jansen
- [PLUG] SUSE 10.1 and YaST
Stuart Jansen
- [PLUG] video TO and keyboard/mouse FROM a laptop
Daniel Johnson
- [PLUG] video TO and keyboard/mouse FROM a laptop
Daniel Johnson
- [PLUG] Root password for ubuntu?
Aaron Jorbin
- [PLUG] Root password for ubuntu?
Aaron Jorbin
- [PLUG] Log file translation to English
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] DIY wiring supply source?
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Deciphering e-mail headers
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Looking for suggestions / first-hand experience with tablet PCs.
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Battery life; was: Looking for suggestions / first-hand experience with tablet PCs.
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Looking for suggestions / first-hand experience with tablet PCs.
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Google Earth in Ubuntu
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Blackboard, Javascript and Ubuntu
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Received Mail difficult to forward
Bruce KIlpatrick
- [PLUG] Received Mail difficult to forward
Bruce KIlpatrick
- [PLUG] Lindependence Oregon
David Kaplan
- [PLUG] Lindependence Oregon
David Kaplan
- [PLUG] Lindependence Oregon
David Kaplan
- [PLUG] Getting an Acer Extensa 4420-5239 to run Linux wifi
David Kaplan
- [PLUG] Getting an Acer Extensa 4420-5239 to run Linux wifi
David Kaplan
- [PLUG] Gonme, Nautilus view settings
David Kaplan
- [PLUG] Blackboard, Javascript and Ubuntu
Amy Kelly
- [PLUG] Perl question
Carlos Konstanski
- [PLUG] DKIM and yahoo
Carlos Konstanski
- [PLUG] How to Block WEB Access for Certain IPs?
Carlos Konstanski
- [PLUG] Google Earth in Ubuntu
Carlos Konstanski
- [PLUG] Google Earth in Ubuntu
Carlos Konstanski
- [PLUG] Google Earth in Ubuntu
Carlos Konstanski
- [PLUG] Google Earth in Ubuntu
Carlos Konstanski
- [PLUG] Google Earth in Ubuntu
Carlos Konstanski
- [PLUG] Creative SB X-Fi issues
Robert Kopp
- [PLUG] Creative SB X-Fi issues
Robert Kopp
- [PLUG] DIY wiring supply source?
Erik Lane
- [PLUG] Blackboard, Javascript and Ubuntu
Erik Lane
- [PLUG] When Microsoft tries to do hardware ...
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] Gateway M1626 laptop, AMD64, Realtek
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] Gateway M1625 laptop, AMD64, Realtek (Update)
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] Hardware puzzle of the day - desktop won't boot
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] Linux Clinic Sunday September 21, 1pm at Free Geek
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] Received Mail difficult to forward
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] Scientific Linux at LHC
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] USB Wifi adapters for 64 bit Linux?
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] Missing emails
Derek Loree
- [PLUG] Ubuntu GDM won't load
- [PLUG] ANNOUNCEMENT: September PLUG Meeting
David Mandel
David Mandel
David Mandel
- [PLUG] help me understand this pin-level kernel-interface stuff
Jason Martin
- [PLUG] Battery life; was: Looking for suggestions / first-hand experience with tablet PCs.
Jason Martin
- [PLUG] Hardware puzzle of the day - desktop won't boot
Matt McKenzie
- [PLUG] Getting an Acer Extensa 4420-5239 to run Linux wifi
Matt McKenzie
- [PLUG] Perl question
William A Morita
- [PLUG] Power On Problem
Paul Mullen
- [PLUG] Power On Problem
Mike Neal
- [PLUG] Gonme, Nautilus view settings
Joe Shisei Niski
- [PLUG] Anyone interested in DVDs of "The Last HOPE" hacker con in NYC?
- [PLUG] Anyone interested in DVDs of "The Last HOPE" hacker con in NYC?
- [PLUG] Preparing for a distro change
Daniel Pape
- [PLUG] DIY wiring supply source?
Stafford Rau
- [PLUG] DIY wiring supply source?
Stafford Rau
- [PLUG] DIY wiring supply source?
Stafford Rau
- [PLUG] DIY wiring supply source?
Stafford Rau
- [PLUG] DIY wiring supply source?
Stafford Rau
- [PLUG] Google Earth in Ubuntu
Tony Rick
- [PLUG] Xubuntu/Thunderbird Outbound Mail
Chris Roberts
- [PLUG] Verizon FIOS, swapping out the Actiontec cable modem (2)
Devin Robinson
- [PLUG] ANNOUNCEMENT: September PLUG Meeting
Randal L. Schwartz
- [PLUG] ANNOUNCEMENT: September PLUG Meeting
Randal L. Schwartz
- [PLUG] Need Advanced Topics speaker for September 17th.
Randal L. Schwartz
- [PLUG] cdrecord, SCSI, and CD-RW
Galen Seitz
- [PLUG] Can anyone here repair a motherboard trace?
Galen Seitz
- [PLUG] denyhosts and vsftpd
Galen Seitz
- [PLUG] help me understand this pin-level kernel-interface stuff
Galen Seitz
- [PLUG] DIY wiring supply source?
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] help me understand this pin-level kernel-interface stuff
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] help me understand this pin-level kernel-interface stuff
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] help me understand this pin-level kernel-interface stuff
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] help me understand this pin-level kernel-interface stuff
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] help me understand this pin-level kernel-interface stuff
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] help me understand this pin-level kernel-interface stuff
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Looking for volunteers for LPC Student Day
Sarah A Sharp
- [PLUG] [Topics-discuss] Looking for volunteers for LPC Student Day
Sarah A Sharp
- [PLUG] Postfix Linux-only local denial of service (fwd)
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Xubuntu/Thunderbird Outbound Mail
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Lindependence Oregon
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Lindependence Oregon
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Gateway M1626 laptop, AMD64, Realtek
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] interesting data transfer bug
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] DIY wiring supply source?
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] OSCON 09 Moved
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] DIY wiring supply source?
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] DIY wiring supply source?
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Preparing for a distro change
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Hardware puzzle of the day - desktop won't boot
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Hardware puzzle of the day - desktop won't boot
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Root password for ubuntu?
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Root password for ubuntu?
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Root password for ubuntu?
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Looking for suggestions / first-hand experience with tablet PCs.
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Looking for suggestions / first-hand experience with tablet PCs.
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] A Question on Pine Roles
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] A Question on Pine Roles
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] A Question on Pine Roles
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] A Question on Pine Roles
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Business Adoption of F/OSS: Europe vs. US
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] How to Block WEB Access for Certain IPs?
Tim Slighter
- [PLUG] Network Training?
Jed Souter
- [PLUG] video TO and keyboard/mouse FROM a laptop
Wayne E. Van Loon Sr.
- [PLUG] Can anyone here repair a motherboard trace?
Wayne E. Van Loon Sr.
- [PLUG] Hardware puzzle of the day - desktop won't boot
Wayne E. Van Loon Sr.
- [PLUG] help me understand this pin-level kernel-interface stuff
Wayne E. Van Loon Sr.
- [PLUG] SUSE 10.1 and YaST
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] SUSE 10.1 and YaST
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Preparing for a distro change
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Preparing for a distro change
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Power On Problem
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Root password for ubuntu?
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Root password for ubuntu?
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Root password for ubuntu?
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Root password for ubuntu?
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Adding Partitions to fstab in Ubuntu
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Adding Partitions to fstab in Ubuntu
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Adding Partitions to fstab in Ubuntu
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Adding Partitions to fstab in Ubuntu
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Resolved: Adding Partitions to fstab in Ubuntu
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Ubuntu GDM won't load
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] How to run fsck on /home partition
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] How to run fsck on /home partition
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] How to run fsck on /home partition
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Google Earth in Ubuntu
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Google Earth in Ubuntu
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Google Earth in Ubuntu
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Google Earth in Ubuntu
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Google Earth in Ubuntu
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Google Earth in Ubuntu
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Google Earth in Ubuntu
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] Google Earth in Ubuntu
Richard C. Steffens
- [PLUG] interesting data transfer bug
Kurt Sussman
- [PLUG] interesting data transfer bug
Kurt Sussman
- [PLUG] interesting data transfer bug
Kurt Sussman
- [PLUG] Looking for suggestions / first-hand experience with tablet PCs.
Kurt Sussman
- [PLUG] How to Block WEB Access for Certain IPs?
Bill Thoen
- [PLUG] Gateway M1626 laptop, AMD64, Realtek
- [PLUG] Deciphering e-mail headers
- [PLUG] How to Block WEB Access for Certain IPs?
- [PLUG] Mod_rewrite
Sean Whitney
- [PLUG] Perl question
Eric Wilhelm
- [PLUG] Perl question
Eric Wilhelm
- [PLUG] help me understand this pin-level kernel-interface stuff
Eric Wilhelm
- [PLUG] Can anyone here repair a motherboard trace?
- [PLUG] Hardware puzzle of the day - desktop won't boot
- [PLUG] USB Wifi adapters for 64 bit Linux?
Dan Young
- [PLUG] Ubuntu GDM won't load
rsteff at
- [PLUG] Ubuntu GDM won't load
rsteff at
- [PLUG] Google Earth in Ubuntu
- [PLUG] DIY wiring supply source?
frank hunt
- [PLUG] How to Block WEB Access for Certain IPs?
frank hunt
- [PLUG] Power On Problem
frank hunt
- [PLUG] Missing emails
frank hunt
- [PLUG] Missing emails
frank hunt
- [PLUG] Missing emails
frank hunt
- [PLUG] Missing emails
frank hunt
- [PLUG] Blackboard, Javascript and Ubuntu
doctor juno
- [PLUG] on Linux Kernel Summit and Linux Plumbers Conference 2008
rae l
- [PLUG] on Linux Kernel Summit and Linux Plumbers Conference 2008
rae l
- [PLUG] Can anyone here repair a motherboard trace?
- [PLUG] Can anyone here repair a motherboard trace?
- [PLUG] Can anyone here repair a motherboard trace?
- [PLUG] Power On Problem
- [PLUG] Hardware puzzle of the day - desktop won't boot
- [PLUG] video TO and keyboard/mouse FROM a laptop
chris (fool) mccraw
- [PLUG] denyhosts and vsftpd
chris (fool) mccraw
- [PLUG] Blackboard, Javascript and Ubuntu
chris (fool) mccraw
- [PLUG] DNS question
robinson-west user
- [PLUG] Can anyone here repair a motherboard trace?
- [PLUG] Can anyone here repair a motherboard trace?
- [PLUG] Resolved: Bigmem not recognizing memory
- [PLUG] Resolved: Bigmem not recognizing memory
- [PLUG] SUSE 10.1 and YaST
- [PLUG] SUSE 10.1 and YaST
- [PLUG] SUSE 10.1 and YaST
- [PLUG] SUSE 10.1 and YaST
- [PLUG] SUSE 10.1 and YaST
- [PLUG] How to run fsck on /home partition
- [PLUG] Missing emails
- [PLUG] Google Earth in Ubuntu
- [PLUG] Adding Partitions to fstab in Ubuntu
drew wymore
Last message date:
Tue Sep 30 22:40:38 UTC 2008
Archived on: Tue Feb 21 19:40:53 UTC 2023
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).