[PLUG] LAN broadcast?

Tim tim-pdxlug at sentinelchicken.org
Thu Jun 2 13:55:28 UTC 2011

> I have found that in most enterprise environments, network admins have 
> shutdown multicast at the routers. One of the applications we work with 
> uses multicast for data sync, and invariably we need the network guys to 
> open up multicasting across subnets.
> Not sure if it's a concern for the project you're working on, but if you 
> go that route I would check with the network guys.

Yes, filtering or failing to distribute IGMP is probably one of the
biggest roadblocks for multicast.  There needs to be some killer app
for multicast to be written to get admins to support it.  A lot of
online music streaming services could benefit from it a great deal.
It would also help ISPs to minimize traffic associated with this and
other live streaming apps, including MMORPGs, etc.


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