[PLUG] How to find the executables

John Jason Jordan johnxj at comcast.net
Fri Feb 13 04:01:25 UTC 2015

Today I tried to open a PNG file by clicking on a link in a web page
with Firefox. Firefox offered to save it or open it with Gedit. The
Gedit option has a drop-down "Other," but when I select it I get a file
manager pop-up, not a pop-up with a list of installed applications.
After much effort I have concluded that this is not normal Firefox
behavior and is probably due to some extension or plug-in that I have
installed. I decline to remove my plug-ins, so I must live with getting
a file manager pop-up instead of a list of installed applications.
Living with the problem would be trivial if I knew the names and
locations of the executables on my computer, but I don't have that
information. I think it can be found from the command line, but I need
a clue. In the present instance I am trying to find the executable for
Ristretto image viewer. 

Any suggestions?

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