[PLUG] FYG: Alternatives to Google Maps

Tyrell Jentink tyrell at jentink.net
Sat May 2 05:29:17 UTC 2015

Or, in true open source fashion, you can even install a map tile server
locally and host your own copy of Open Street Map;  This could allow a
clever web developer (Or, depending on the server software chosen, even a
tech savvy non-developer) to create a custom layout that no other entity
can ever take away ;)

As one example:

I'm working on a project for school that will be using PostGIS and some
custom PHP as the server, and the OpenLayers <http://openlayers.org/>
library to render the maps client side. I've read that this might not
perform as highly as a tiled server, but it should use less bandwidth. Of
course, that's the aforementioned Web Developer approach ;)

But Many Others Can Be Googled

On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 8:44 PM, Richard Owlett <rowlett at cloud85.net> wrote:

> Keith Lofstrom wrote:
> > I've used "classic" google maps until it went away.  The
> > new version is optimized for small screens and small minds,
> > but randomly crashes firefox and X on my big screen laptop.
> > I will upgrade distros soon, and that might fix it, but it
> > might be a small-screen small-programmer-brain problem.
> >
> > So - suggestions for alternatives?  I was quite adept at
> > using classic, especially the ability to scroll out to
> > full-planet-map-view with one mouse-stroke.  Perhaps that
> > does not matter to the globally unaware, but I sometimes
> > use street view in London or Hong Kong ( "...  where was
> > that place we went ...") and the new maps requires many
> > more mouseclicks and many netflix-delays to use.
> >
> > Keith
> >
> "Open Street Map" https://www.openstreetmap.org/ ?
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