[PLUG] Weird chars in title

Chuck Hast wchast at gmail.com
Sun May 17 01:59:45 UTC 2015

Here are the results of the df:
kp4djt at kp4djt-64:/media$ dd if=/dev/sr0 of=/home/kp4djt/test.iso
dd: reading `/dev/sr0': Input/output error
821248+0 records in
821248+0 records out
420478976 bytes (420 MB) copied, 56.4554 s, 7.4 MB/s
kp4djt at kp4djt-64:/media$ df /dev/sr0

On Sat, May 16, 2015 at 6:44 PM, Chuck Hast <wchast at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have also tried both, the first one I tried after the failures with
> brasero
> was dd, it starts OK, but then it ends indicating that it has copied the
> disk over, but there is only a 420m file rather than a 5G+ file.
> On Sat, May 16, 2015 at 4:38 PM, Paul Mullen <pm at nellump.net> wrote:
>> On Sat, May 16, 2015 at 03:12:06PM -0700, Chuck Hast wrote:
>> > I am trying to move a DVD to my hard disk (so I can put the thing
>> > away and pull the video from my HD) so far I have had no issues
>> > moving my dvd images to my storage. But this one is giving me fits,
>> > It has some illegal characters in the title and Brasero seems to
>> > have a fit.
>> It might be easier to use dd on the command line, rather than trying
>> to get Brasero to cooperate.
>>   dd if=/dev/dvd of=reasonable-file-name.iso
>> Assuming your DVD device node is /dev/dvd, a safe bet.
>> --
>> Paul
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> --
> Chuck Hast  -- KP4DJT --
> Glass, five thousand years of history and getting better.
> The only container material that the USDA gives blanket approval on.


Chuck Hast  -- KP4DJT --
Glass, five thousand years of history and getting better.
The only container material that the USDA gives blanket approval on.

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