[PLUG] postfix smtp certificate verification failed

Galen Seitz galens at seitzassoc.com
Tue May 19 03:22:58 UTC 2015

I've just configured my postfix 2.6.6-6 mailserver to use a relayhost
with tls, and I'm seeing warnings when I send mail.  Here's an example:

May 18 19:41:21 lion postfix/smtp[3625]: certificate verification failed
for mailout.example.com[x.x.x.x]:587: untrusted issuer
/C=US/O=Equifax/OU=Equifax Secure Certificate Authority

It appears the correct solution is to specify smtp_tls_CAfile in
main.cf.  That's easy enough to do, but I'm not sure which file to use.
 This is a CentOS 6.6 system.  If I do a locate on .crt, here's what I get:


So many to choose from!  Which should I use?

Galen Seitz
galens at seitzassoc.com

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