[PLUG] What is Microsoft DFS???

michael michael at robinson-west.com
Mon Apr 2 16:25:13 UTC 2018

On 2018-04-01 12:51, Tyrell Jentink wrote:
> If your friend has been aggressively googling, they have probably 
> already
> seen both the Wikipedia page and the Samba wiki page on the subject, 
> but
> for anyone else stumbling on this in the future:
> Wikipedia says that in Samba contexts, the technology in question is 
> called
> "MSDFS." Googling that produces the Samba wiki page here:
> https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Distributed_File_System_(DFS)
>> From there, I'm not seeing anything "special" for the client side... 
>> Just
> lots and lots of discussion about the server side and it's limitations. 
> And
> not being experienced myself...
> Anyway, maybe the terms "MSDFS" and "MS-DFS" and "Samba user space 
> project"
> will help find something...

Thank you.  I read something about links and turning off unix style 
links, but that
only seems to apply if Samba is providing the DFS server.  I'm guessing 
our problem
is having solid host resolution...

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