[PLUG] Can't remove Read-only folder

wes plug at the-wes.com
Mon Apr 2 22:03:57 UTC 2018

On Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 2:45 PM, John Jason Jordan <johnxj at gmx.com> wrote:

> I don't know how this folder got created in the first place, except
> that it is the name of a .deb file that I tried to get into Xubuntu
> 17.10 running in Virtualbox. I failed, but solved the problem using a
> completely different solution. I failed because I could not get VB to
> allow the 17.10 guest to see folders on anything but the host boot
> drive. The only thing that 17.10 in VB could see was the optical drive,
> so I burned the file to a DVD and used that to get the file into 17.10.
> Afterwards, with the optical drive empty, there is a folder remaining
> in /media/jjj with the same name as the .deb file. I don't even know how
> it got there, but there it is, and because it was from optical media the
> host OS (14.04) decided the make it read-only.
> I tried rm, rmdir, then chown, and finally chmod 777, with and without
> sudo. Chmod 777 -R <foldername> says it is changing permissions, but it
> lies. When I look at it with ls -la the permissions are unchanged.
> After the command chmod says "chmod: changing permissions of
> ‘<foldername>’: Read-only file system. In other words, since the folder
> is read-only it can't write changes to it.
> Well, duh. There has to be some way to get rid of this thing. Ideas?

run the "mount" command by itself. does this thing appear in the list


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