[PLUG] WD Red NAS drive price war

Garrett Bigart gbigart at gmail.com
Tue Apr 17 19:56:05 UTC 2018

Sorry, I'm so late to this. You should check out the Best Buy WD EasyStore
external hard drive. This is popular with the data hoarding community
because it's a 8 TB WD Red. I don't thing it's a pro drive, but it costs
$170 right now. Only thing is that you have to shuck it. Just in case you
want more.

Drive link:

How to shuck it:

On Sun, Mar 25, 2018 at 1:56 AM, Keith Lofstrom <keithl at kl-ic.com> wrote:

> A few hours ago, I went to eBay to purchase two Western
> Digital 6TB Red Pro drives, and noticed that the cheapest
> were the Red NAS drives offered by Best Buy(!) at about
> 25% below the competition;  indeed, the price per TB was
> even lower for the 8TB drives (at $307.99 each).
> So I looked at Amazon and Newegg (prices still above
> $400) and bought two 8TB drives from Best Buy.
> I looked again, and the prices on Amazon, Newegg, and
> BHPhoto for the WD8001FFWX drives have all dropped to
> $306.29 .  With notes about "sale ending in X hours"
> (Sunday night Mar 25).
> If a price war has indeed begun, it could get interesting.
> Or, I find out Monday that the drives are on deep discount
> because they catch fire and emit poisonous gas.  Or come
> pre-loaded with security exploits on the boot tracks.
> Buyer be 'wared.
> Keith
> P.S.  My first "big" hard drive purchase was a 600MB
> Seagate for $2000.  The new ones are 80,000 times
> cheaper per byte.
> --
> Keith Lofstrom          keithl at keithl.com
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