December 2019 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Dec 1 04:47:08 UTC 2019
Ending: Tue Dec 31 21:25:43 UTC 2019
Messages: 417
- [PLUG] WIRE instead of Skypeforlinux...
elcaseti .
- [PLUG] WIRE instead of Skypeforlinux...
elcaseti .
- [PLUG] Advanced Topics issues
- [PLUG] December PLUG Advanced Topics CANCELLED
- [PLUG] Health update
- [PLUG] Disney +
Steve Atkins
- [PLUG] Connecting satellite TV to WAP
Michael Barnes
- [PLUG] How to use linux for those who need to learn
Jason Barnett
- [PLUG] Stupid network question
Bill Barry
- [PLUG] Stupid network question
Bill Barry
- [PLUG] How to use linux for those who need to learn
David Bridges
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
David Bridges
- [PLUG] Search entire filesystem except two mounted partitions
Larry Brigman
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop
Mike C.
- [PLUG] Stupid network question
Mike C.
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop [NOT FIXED]
Mike C.
- [PLUG] How to use linux for those who need to learn
Mike C.
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help
Mike C.
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
Mike C.
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injector
Mike C.
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injecto
Mike C.
- [PLUG] asking advice on secure texting application
Mike C.
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injecto
Mike C.
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injecto
Mike C.
Mike C.
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injecto
Mike C.
- [PLUG] asking advice on secure texting application
Mike C.
- [PLUG] asking advice on secure texting application
Mike C.
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injecto
Mike C.
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injecto
Mike C.
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injecto
Mike C.
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injecto
Mike C.
- [PLUG] asking advice on secure texting application
Mike C.
- [PLUG] asking advice on secure texting application
Mike C.
- [PLUG] asking advice on secure texting application
Mike C.
- [PLUG] asking advice on secure texting application
Mike C.
Mike C.
Mike C.
- [PLUG] DNS over HTTPS?
Mike C.
- [PLUG] Artix - Fork of Arch Linux
Mike C.
- [PLUG] Access point signal strength
Mike C.
- [PLUG] Artix - Fork of Arch Linux
Mike C.
- [PLUG] Access point signal strength
Mike C.
- [PLUG] Access point signal strength
Mike C.
- [PLUG] Artix - Fork of Arch Linux
Mike C.
- [PLUG] Access point signal strength
Mike C.
- [PLUG] DNS over HTTPS?
Mike C.
- [PLUG] Script not working as intended
Robert Citek
- [PLUG] Script not working as intended
Robert Citek
- [PLUG] December PLUG Meeting: Do you still use ASCII?
Michael Dexter
- [PLUG] TONIGHT! December PLUG Meeting: Do you still use ASCII?
Michael Dexter
- [PLUG] January PLUG Meeting: Reading wireless temperature sensors with RTL-SDR and rtl_433
Michael Dexter
- [PLUG] Communication error, HDHomeRun tuner
Richard England
- [PLUG] Stupid network question
David Fleck
- [PLUG] ER-X: pingable, but cannot log in
Vernon Geiszler
- [PLUG] Script not working as intended
Thomas Groman
- [PLUG] font rendering Re: gnome2-like behavior ...
Thomas Groman
- [PLUG] Mikrotik CAPsMAN setup
Chuck Hast
- [PLUG] Mikrotik CAPsMAN setup
Chuck Hast
- [PLUG] Mikrotik CAPsMAN setup
Chuck Hast
- [PLUG] ER-X: change login, save, reboot, cannot connect
Chuck Hast
- [PLUG] ER-X: change login, save, reboot, cannot connect
Chuck Hast
- [PLUG] Thinkpads and screensavers
Denis Heidtmann
- [PLUG] Artix - Fork of Arch Linux
Denis Heidtmann
- [PLUG] DNS over HTTPS?
Denis Heidtmann
- [PLUG] Communication error, HDHomeRun tuner
Paul Heinlein
- [PLUG] clinic question
OR Linux Jobs
- [PLUG] clinic question
OR Linux Jobs
- [PLUG] clinic question
OR Linux Jobs
- [PLUG] clinic question
OR Linux Jobs
- [PLUG] clinic question
OR Linux Jobs
- [PLUG] skypeforlinux alternative...
OR Linux Jobs
- [PLUG] clinic from dec. 15 named.conf question
OR Linux Jobs
- [PLUG] asking advice on secure texting application
Daniel Johnson
- [PLUG] Search entire filesystem except two mounted partitions
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Search entire filesystem except two mounted partitions
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Search entire filesystem except two mounted partitions
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Search entire filesystem except two mounted partitions
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Stupid network question
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Stupid network question
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Stupid network question
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Stupid network question
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Stupid network question
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Stupid network question
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Insert special character
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Insert special character
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] How to use linux for those who need to learn
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] New computer is running!
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Thinkpads and screensavers
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Thinkpads and screensavers
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Can't mount Synology NAS
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Can't mount Synology NAS
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Can't mount Synology NAS
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Can't mount Synology NAS
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Can't mount Synology NAS
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Constant disk activity
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Constant disk activity
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Kernel upgrade 4.15 to 5.2, possible?
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Kernel upgrade 4.15 to 5.2, possible?
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Kernel upgrade 4.15 to 5.2, possible?
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] UHD monitors
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Communication error, HDHomeRun tuner
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Communication error, HDHomeRun tuner
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Communication error, HDHomeRun tuner
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Communication error, HDHomeRun tuner
John Jason Jordan
- [PLUG] Clinic on Sunday
Jim Karlock
- [PLUG] Search entire filesystem except two mounted partitions
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Google Earth crashes: a revisited thread
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Google Earth crashes: a revisited thread
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Google Earth crashes: a revisited thread
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Google Earth crashes: a revisited thread
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] LibreOffice Writer Cursor Changed -- How do I change it back?
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] LibreOffice Writer Cursor Changed -- How do I change it back?
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Stupid network question
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Stupid network question
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Clinic on Sunday
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] skypeforlinux alternative...
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] How to use linux for those who need to learn
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Disney +
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Disney +
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Can't mount Synology NAS
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Can't mount Synology NAS
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Can't mount Synology NAS
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Constant disk activity
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] gnome2-like behavior from gnome3?
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] gnome2-like behavior from gnome3?
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] asking advice on secure texting application
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] asking advice on secure texting application
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] CentOS 6 x86 and KVM
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Artix - Fork of Arch Linux
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Artix - Fork of Arch Linux
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Artix - Fork of Arch Linux
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Artix - Fork of Arch Linux
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Dispute Resolution Policy
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Dispute Resolution Policy
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] Artix - Fork of Arch Linux
Ben Koenig
- [PLUG] gnome2-like behavior from gnome3?
Robert Kopp
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop
Louis Kowolowski
- [PLUG] Two hosts: lo address and route issues
Louis Kowolowski
- [PLUG] ER-X: change login, save, reboot, cannot connect
Louis Kowolowski
- [PLUG] Can't mount Synology NAS
- [PLUG] Search entire filesystem except two mounted partitions
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Search entire filesystem except two mounted partitions
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] clinic question
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Google Earth crashes: a revisited thread
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Google Earth crashes: a revisited thread
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Unmanaged gigabit switches: does brand matter?
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Unmanaged gigabit switches: does brand matter?
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Unmanaged gigabit switches: does brand matter?
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop [FIXED]
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Stupid network question
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Unmanaged gigabit switches: does brand matter?
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Skypeforlinux and CentOS 7...
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] How to use linux for those who need to learn
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] skypeforlinux alternative...
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Thinkpads and screensavers
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Thinkpads and screensavers
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Disney +
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Disney +
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Can't mount Synology NAS
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] ER-X: change login, save, reboot, cannot connect
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Two hosts: lo address and route issues [FIXED]
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Can't mount Synology NAS
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Two hosts: lo address and route issues [FIXED]
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] ER-X: change login, save, reboot, cannot connect
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Constant disk activity
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Constant disk activity
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Two hosts: lo address and route issues [FIXED]
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Connecting PoE injector
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injector
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] gnome2-like behavior from gnome3?
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injecto
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injecto
Tomas Kuchta
Tomas Kuchta
Tomas Kuchta
Tomas Kuchta
Tomas Kuchta
- [PLUG] Disney +
Erik Lane
- [PLUG] Disney +
Erik Lane
- [PLUG] Low Vis Xeye
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] clinic - bring all the APU stuff
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] clinic - bring all the APU stuff Sorry for broadcast
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] gnome2-like behavior from gnome3?
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] font rendering Re: gnome2-like behavior ...
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] gnome2-like behavior from gnome3?
Keith Lofstrom
- [PLUG] clinic question
Johnathan Mantey
- [PLUG] clinic question
Johnathan Mantey
- [PLUG] Script not working as intended
John Meissen
- [PLUG] asking advice on secure texting application
- [PLUG] annotate photos
- [PLUG] gnome2-like behavior from gnome3?
- [PLUG] Municipal Broadband PDX Town Hall, December 4
- [PLUG] Can't reach local web
Michael Rasmussen
- [PLUG] Xeon SBC and Linux...
Michael C Robinson
- [PLUG] CentOS 6 x86 and KVM
Michael C Robinson
- [PLUG] certbot log files
Galen Seitz
- [PLUG] clinic question
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] clinic question
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop [FIXED]
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop [FIXED]
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop [FIXED]
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] clinic - bring all the APU stuff
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Two hosts: lo address and route issues
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Two hosts: lo address and route issues
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] ER-X: change login, save, reboot, cannot connect
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] ER-X: change login, save, reboot, cannot connect
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Two hosts: lo address and route issues [FIXED]
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] ER-X: change login, save, reboot, cannot connect
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] ER-X: change login, save, reboot, cannot connect
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] ER-X: change login, save, reboot, cannot connect
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] clinic from dec. 15 named.conf question
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] ER-X: change login, save, reboot, cannot connect
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] ER-X: change login, save, reboot, cannot connect
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Kernel upgrade 4.15 to 5.2, possible?
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Kernel upgrade 4.15 to 5.2, possible?
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] gnome2-like behavior from gnome3?
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] ER-X: pingable, but cannot log in
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] ER-X: pingable, but cannot log in
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Connecting PoE injector
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Connecting PoE injector
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injector
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injector
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injector
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injecto
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injecto
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injecto
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injecto
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injecto
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injecto
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] asking advice on secure texting application
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injecto
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injecto
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injecto
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injecto
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] asking advice on secure texting application
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] asking advice on secure texting application
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] asking advice on secure texting application
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] asking advice on secure texting application
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Can't reach local web
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Can't reach local web
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Can't reach local web
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Can't reach local web
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Can't reach local web
Russell Senior
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Access point signal strength
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Access point signal strength
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Access point signal strength
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Access point signal strength
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Artix - Fork of Arch Linux
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Ides of March
Russell Senior
- [PLUG] Search entire filesystem except two mounted partitions
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] clinic question
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Google Earth crashes: a revisited thread
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Google Earth crashes: a revisited thread
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Google Earth crashes: a revisited thread
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Google Earth crashes: a revisited thread
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Google Earth crashes: a revisited thread
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Google Earth crashes: a revisited thread
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Google Earth crashes: a revisited thread
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Unmanaged gigabit switches: does brand matter?
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop [FIXED]
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop [FIXED]
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop [FIXED]
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop [FIXED]
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop [FIXED]
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop [FIXED]
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop [FIXED]
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Stupid network question
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] How to use linux for those who need to learn
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] How to use linux for those who need to learn
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] How to use linux for those who need to learn
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] How to use linux for those who need to learn
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] How to use linux for those who need to learn
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Script not working as intended
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Script not working as intended
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Script not working as intended [FIXED]
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Two hosts: lo address and route issues
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Two hosts: lo address and route issues
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Two hosts: lo address and route issues
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Two hosts: lo address and route issues [FIXED]
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] ER-X: change login, save, reboot, cannot connect
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] ER-X: change login, save, reboot, cannot connect
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] ER-X: change login, save, reboot, cannot connect
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] ER-X: change login, save, reboot, cannot connect
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Two hosts: lo address and route issues [FIXED]
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Can't mount Synology NAS
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] ER-X: change login, save, reboot, cannot connect
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Two hosts: lo address and route issues [FIXED]
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Two hosts: lo address and route issues [FIXED]
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] ER-X: change login, save, reboot, cannot connect
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] ER-X: change login, save, reboot, cannot connect
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Kernel upgrade 4.15 to 5.2, possible?
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] ER-X: change login, save, reboot, cannot connect
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] ER-X: change login, save, reboot, cannot connect
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] ER-X: pingable, but cannot log in
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] ER-X: pingable, but cannot log in
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] ER-X: pingable, but cannot log in
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Two hosts: lo address and route issues [FIXED]
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] ER-X: pingable, but cannot log in
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Connecting PoE injector
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Connecting PoE injector
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Connecting PoE injector
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] asking advice on secure texting application
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] asking advice on secure texting application
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] ER-X: change login, save, reboot, cannot connect
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Connecting satellite TV to WAP
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] font rendering Re: gnome2-like behavior ...
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Connecting satellite TV to WAP
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] font rendering Re: gnome2-like behavior ...
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] font rendering Re: gnome2-like behavior ...
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Access point signal strength
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Access point signal strength
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] Artix - Fork of Arch Linux
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] 2020
Rich Shepard
- [PLUG] LibreOffice Writer Cursor Changed -- How do I change it back?
Dick Steffens
- [PLUG] LibreOffice Writer Cursor Changed -- How do I change it back?
Dick Steffens
- [PLUG] Skypeforlinux and CentOS 7...
Dick Steffens
- [PLUG] Can't make Open Office transfer images to web.
Dick Steffens
- [PLUG] skypeforlinux alternative...
Dick Steffens
- [PLUG] Can't reach local web
Dick Steffens
- [PLUG] Can't reach local web
Dick Steffens
- [PLUG] Can't reach local web
Dick Steffens
- [PLUG] Can't reach local web
Dick Steffens
- [PLUG] Resolved: Can't reach local web
Dick Steffens
- [PLUG] 2020
Dick Steffens
- [PLUG] Unmanaged gigabit switches: does brand matter?
- [PLUG] Unmanaged gigabit switches: does brand matter?
- [PLUG] Unmanaged gigabit switches: does brand matter?
- [PLUG] gnome2-like behavior from gnome3?
- [PLUG] gnome2-like behavior from gnome3?
- [PLUG] font rendering Re: gnome2-like behavior ...
- [PLUG] gnome2-like behavior from gnome3?
- [PLUG] font rendering Re: gnome2-like behavior ...
- [PLUG] DNS over HTTPS, Why it's worse
- [PLUG] font rendering Re: gnome2-like behavior ...
- [PLUG] Can't make Open Office transfer images to web.
- [PLUG] Can't make Open Office transfer images to web.
Dave Lien W7DAL
- [PLUG] Can't make Open Office transfer images to web.
Dave Lien W7DAL
- [PLUG] MSFT Expression Web 4 on Linux Mint?
Dave Lien W7DAL
- [PLUG] clinic from dec. 15 named.conf question
Vince Winter
- [PLUG] clinic from dec. 15 named.conf question
Vince Winter
- [PLUG] Search entire filesystem except two mounted partitions
tomas.kuchta.lists at
- [PLUG] clinic question
tomas.kuchta.lists at
- [PLUG] Skypeforlinux and CentOS 7...
tomas.kuchta.lists at
- [PLUG] Mikrotik CAPsMAN setup
tomas.kuchta.lists at
- [PLUG] skypeforlinux alternative...
tomas.kuchta.lists at
- [PLUG] WIRE instead of Skypeforlinux...
tomas.kuchta.lists at
- [PLUG] New computer is running!
tomas.kuchta.lists at
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
tomas.kuchta.lists at
- [PLUG] clinic from dec. 15 named.conf question
tomas.kuchta.lists at
- [PLUG] Lan loops - follow on PoE injecto
tomas.kuchta.lists at
- [PLUG] e7500 intel chipset Linux and KVM...
michael at
- [PLUG] e7500 intel chipset Linux and KVM...
michael at
- [PLUG] Skypeforlinux and CentOS 7...
michael at
- [PLUG] Skypeforlinux and CentOS 7...
michael at
- [PLUG] Skypeforlinux and CentOS 7...
michael at
- [PLUG] skypeforlinux not working...
michael at
- [PLUG] skypeforlinux alternative...
michael at
- [PLUG] skypeforlinux alternative...
michael at
- [PLUG] WIRE instead of Skypeforlinux...
michael at
- [PLUG] QEMU and ISA card...
michael at
- [PLUG] Jigdo on CentOS 7
michael at
- [PLUG] Unmanaged gigabit switches: does brand matter?
- [PLUG] Can't mount Synology NAS
- [PLUG] Search entire filesystem except two mounted partitions
- [PLUG] clinic question
- [PLUG] Google Earth crashes: a revisited thread
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop [FIXED]
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop [FIXED]
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop [FIXED]
- [PLUG] Router configuration: connecting laptop [FIXED]
- [PLUG] Clinic on Sunday
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
- [PLUG] Network troubleshooting help (urgent)
- [PLUG] Can't mount Synology NAS
- [PLUG] Connecting PoE injector
- [PLUG] Connecting PoE injector
- [PLUG] Connecting satellite TV to WAP
- [PLUG] Dispute Resolution Policy
Last message date:
Tue Dec 31 21:25:43 UTC 2019
Archived on: Tue Feb 21 20:02:12 UTC 2023
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).