[PLUG] Alcatel Linkzone sold by T-Mobile, labeled "4G LTE HotSpot

Richard Owlett rowlett at cloud85.net
Sun Jun 5 10:20:23 UTC 2022

On 06/04/2022 05:18 PM, Bill Barry wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 4, 2022, 12:07 PM Richard Owlett <rowlett at cloud85.net> wrote:
>> I am using an Alcatel Linkzone sold by T-Mobile.
>> It is labeled "4G LTE HotSpot.
>> The WiFi has been turned off via the device's setup menu.
>> Is anyone on this list using that device? ?? ???? ;}
>> I am trying to install Debian 11.3
>>     [requires non-free firmware]
>> I have succeeded. *ROFL* ;/
>>         *BUT* I'm trying to document encountered problems.
>> I'm developing a test procedure to be the basis of a "bug report".
>> I am looking for a fellow Linkzone user to be a QC checkpoint.
>> Takers &/or comments.
>> TIA
> The standard way to do this would be to just publish your instructions and
> procedures. If somebody then reads and follows them they might provide you
> feedback if necessary.

I'm trying to avoid that until at least one person who hast the same 
device has test driven my procedure.

In the 70's and 80's I was part of engineering support. I wrote the test 
procedure for a new piece of equipment. I ran the test on a prototype 
unit. All worked as expected. I delivered the prototype and procedure to 
our Production Test Department. Their supervisor came back to be 
requesting that I widen some tolerances as they claimed the prototype 
could not met my spec. That sounded strange. I reran the test. The unit 
indeed failed. Investigation determined that there had been a component 
failure in the time between I had initially run the test and the test 
department had done their test run.

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