[PLUG] Alcatel Linkzone sold by T-Mobile, labeled "4G LTE HotSpot

Russell Senior russell at personaltelco.net
Sun Jun 5 14:19:26 UTC 2022

On Sun, Jun 5, 2022, 02:57 Richard Owlett <rowlett at cloud85.net> wrote:

> [...] As I view wifi as being intrinsically insecure, I have considered
> it fortunate that a default Debian CANNOT connect connect to the wifi
> chip in ANY of my laptops. This specific laptop will be used in an
> environment that requires wifi.

Fwiw, by the same standard (that an arbitrary number of people can see your
bits as they traverse from source to destination), the internet is *also*
intrinsically insecure. Even a "private" fixed wire directly between you
and your communicational correspondent can be tapped unless you supervise
the entire wire. The traditional solution to insecure media is strong
end-to-end encryption, so that the insecure media is not a problem.

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