[PLUG] Emacs: display only buffer rows beginning in column 1

Johnathan Mantey manteyjg at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 17:47:33 UTC 2022

Perhaps this minor mode?

On Tue, Jun 7, 2022 at 10:33 AM Rich Shepard <rshepard at appl-ecosys.com>

> Perhaps my web search terms ask the wrong questions, but I've not found how
> to 'collapse' an emacs buffer so only those lines beginning in column 1 are
> displayed.
> My use is python coding. A module (*.py file) will have multiple classes
> defined, each class beginning in column 1 while all following lines are
> indented (4 spaces here). When I want to see what classes are in a buffer
> being able to see only class names, then returning to view all lines, is
> quite useful.
> In the 1980s I used a DOS programming editor called 'MultiEdit' that had
> this capability and it was really useful. I'm sure that emacs can do it yet
> I've not found how.
> Please point me to resources where I can learn how to do this.
> Rich

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