[PLUG] Package Name Lengths in different distros

Galen Seitz galens at seitzassoc.com
Fri Jun 10 17:10:19 UTC 2022

On 6/9/22 18:16, Ben Koenig wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a really random question/rant about package metadata across
> different distros. Quick backstory.. For reasons best explained by
> https://xkcd.com/2610/, I'm writing a series of scripts that ingest
> package data into a set of SQL tables in mariadb. Part of this
> involves defining a string for the "package name" and defining a
> maximum length for the string - which is where things go horribly
> wrong.
> After some fiddling with packages in my distro I settled on a
> character length of 50 for the package name. This was reasonable
> until I started working on Fedora's data and found a package that
> would give RMS a heart attack. Behold:
> Package name:
> compat-golang-github-akihirosuda-containerd-fuse-overlayfs-devel
> As found in the repo data for FC36. This is probably the most
> meaningless arrangement of 64 alphanumeric characters I have ever
> seen, but my focus of the moment is assigning it a number so I can do
> math on it. The obvious solution is to raise the character limit for
> the SQL field to accomodate at least 65 characters, but that raises
> the following question:
> How high should I set the limit? Is there any reason to believe that
> a package name would exceed, e.g. 100 characters?
> I may up it to 100/150 but if anyone is aware of a package name for
> any linux distro that exceeds 100 characters that would be helpful to
> know. I only use a few different distros myself and wasn't expecting
> to hit this issue. -Ben

This ended up being far uglier than expected.  Here's my result for
CentOS 7.9.

$ yum --color never list all 2>/dev/null | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | sed -e '0,/Installed/d' -e 's/\.x86_64.*//g' -e 's/\.i686.*//g' -e 's/\.noarch.*//g' | wc -L

The package with a name length of 63 is:

I haven't used dnf yet, but perhaps the above yum command is an example
of why yum has been replaced by dnf.

Galen Seitz
galens at seitzassoc.com

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