[PLUG] No Speaker for September yet, anybody want to or have a lead?

Michael Dexter dexter at pdxlinux.org
Wed Aug 30 01:39:31 UTC 2023

I can offer the new venue, but was also thinking that we should take 
advantage of the good weather.


On 8/28/23 9:39 PM, Russell Senior wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Neither Michael (last I checked) nor I have a speaker lined up for 
> September 7. Does anyone have something they'd like to talk about or 
> know anyone who might? If not, we are rapidly heading for another UnPLUG 
> at, presumably, Rose City Book Pub again. I joked last month that the 
> last speaker was responsible for finding the next speaker, or they had 
> to speak again. But everyone just laughed. I thought it sounded like a 
> great idea.
> Anyway, ANY IDEAS? Reply to plug at pdxlinux.org or me.
> Thanks!

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