[PLUG] Wikipedia math markup rendering Re: ... mediawiki progress

Russell Senior russell at personaltelco.net
Tue Dec 12 10:18:47 UTC 2023

Is this relevant and/or helpful at all?


On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 6:39 PM Keith Lofstrom <keithl at keithl.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 07, 2023 at 11:44:53PM -0800, Keith Lofstrom wrote:
> > It would be great to work with collaborators who can help
> > me upgrade that server to Debian Bookworm and the web
> > pages to mediawiki.
> MediaWiki - I'm stuck.  The basic wiki behavior is working,
> but the next step (before wikifarm) is learning how to add
> math markup, and also how to make incremental backups of
> the mariadb database.
> Save the backup question for a subsequent email.
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Wikipedia's math markup resembles LaTeX at the user level;
> TeX is I prefer and what I've used since the 1980s.
> I want to duplicate that user interface and markup
> format for my own mediawiki websites.
> Wikipedia:Sandbox example LaTeX markup:
> <math>\sqrt{x^2+y^2}</math>
> That renders as an SVG in the Wikipedia Sandbox, using
> Brave Browser and Firefox.
> The second line of "view-source" of the SVG image is:
> <title id="MathJax-SVG-1-Title">{\displaystyle {\sqrt
> {x^{2}+y^{2}}}}</title>
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> How does the Wikipedia server create that SVG image
> "under the covers"?
> How do I configure MediaWiki to use the same tool chain
> on my own Debian 12 Bookworm server?
> What IS that toolchain at this time, and how do I query
> the Wikipedia site to learn what it is?
> Which document(s) should I read?  Which contradictory
> documents should I ignore?
> Which mailing list should I be asking instead?
> Keith L.
> P.S. I wouldn't mind paying a MediaWiki/Wikipedia guru
> to show me how to do this, perhaps even teach a class
> to show MANY of us how to do this.
> --
> Keith Lofstrom          keithl at keithl.com

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