[PLUG] anybody have any 9-track tapes that need reading?

Ted Mittelstaedt tedm at portlandia-it.com
Thu Dec 21 07:33:53 UTC 2023

You might be interested in this - the useful stuff starts at 8:30


For these, you have to bake the old tapes in an oven to read them, then run them through a cleaning machine.

There's a busy community that works at preserving the data from these.  Pretty incredible that they are still readable after 50 years.


-----Original Message-----
From: PLUG <plug-bounces at lists.pdxlinux.org> On Behalf Of Russell Senior
Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2023 5:12 AM
To: plug at pdxlinux.org
Subject: [PLUG] anybody have any 9-track tapes that need reading?

Hi all,

For the last couple decades, I have had a Fujitsu M2444 9-track tape drive sitting (rather heavily) on a shelf. Until, well, yesterday, I didn't have a convenient way of connecting to that tape drive to read/write tapes. Then came yesterday, and now I do:

(forked from another guy, and debugged over this last week)

Now, I have a tape drive, a tape controller, but ... uh, slightly embarrassed to say that I don't have any tapes that particularly need reading. Does anyone have any old 1/2-inch 9-track tapes that they need read? Even just for fun. Let me know, lol.

Russell Senior
russell at pdxlinux.org

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