[PLUG] Looking for some WiFi AP Security Advice

Michael Barnes barnmichael at gmail.com
Mon Dec 25 03:27:54 UTC 2023

Doesn't matter how much security you build in. There is no way on earth you
should be launching rockets with anything other than a safety/lockout key
equipped hard wired system. Do all you want with fancy clocks, timers,
horns, etc for the public's viewing pleasure and show, but the actual
launch circuit powering the igniter should only be hardwired under manual
control with appropriate safeties in place. Anything else is a disaster
waiting to happen and potential for injury and lawsuits.

Been doing model rockets since 1963.


On Sun, Dec 24, 2023 at 3:23 PM MC_Sequoia <mcsequoia at protonmail.com> wrote:

> "I want to set up some sort of secure connection between the cell phone
> and the web site running on the Pi."
> This should be doable via a vpn client/server. A quick google search on
> "raspberry pi cell phone vpn" returned this:
> "If you're going to be connecting to Pi VPN on a mobile device, I
> recommend OpenVPN Connect, the official client. It's completely free and
> integrates really well with iOS and Android. The first step is to open the
> App Store or Play Store, depending on your device. In either case, search
> for OpenVPN Connect"
> You should be able to easily find step-by-step instructions to do get this
> setup and working.
> That'll solve the secure connection between the cell ph and the Rpi hosted
> website, but that doesn't your "main concern is an attacker connecting to
> the web site and igniting the rocket while the user is connecting thew
> wires to the igniter."
> I'm going to suggest the probability of this happening is your best
> security.
> However, I'm not the adult that's responsible for children's safety.
> The big question here is whether the Rpi hosted website is accessible from
> the internet?
> My suspicion is that it would have a non-internet routable private not
> pubic ip addr in the following ip addr ranges:
> 10.0. 0.0 to 10.255. 255.255.
> 172.16. 0.0 to 172.31. 255.255.
> 192.168. 0.0 to 192.168. 255.255.
> If the Rpi website is accessible via the public internet than there's 2
> other other options.
> 1. Learn about securing/hardening a Rpi.
> https://www.chrisapproved.com/blog/raspberry-pi-hardening.html
> 2. Change all the passwords and codes on launch day.
> I hope that's somewhat helpful.

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