[PLUG] what's preventing suspend ?

briand at pounceofcats.com briand at pounceofcats.com
Sun Jul 16 21:26:25 UTC 2023


My desktop used to suspend automatically as dictated by the power management panel in mint, for example, I have it set to 1 hour, and after 1 hour of no activity it would go into suspend.

Naturally, now it won't, _sometimes_.

My guess is that there is a daemon of some sort running that watches for various events which reset a timer, then the timer reaches an hour and ta-da it suspends.

So the trick to figuring out the problem would be getting access to that program, and get it to print out the events.

Anybody know what that program might be ?

I'm having a really hard time findin it. All I can seem to find from searches is a million variations on how to prevent the computer from suspending.



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