[PLUG] Sluggish response

Dick Steffens dick at dicksteffens.com
Wed Jun 14 00:53:15 UTC 2023

On 6/13/23 14:30, Russell Senior wrote:
> Using any swap at all, which you are, implies it's a memory pressure issue.
> See if you can add more memory. Also, check "top" and sort by memory use.

The biggest culprit is VirtualBoxVM, but I need it to run transcription 
playback software. I haven't found any Linux tools that work with a foot 
pedal for starting and stopping playback. There used to be one called 
transcribe, but it disappeared a few years ago. Of course, several 
others turned up when I just went looking. I'll have to experiment with 
them and see if they'll do the job. The current program I use on Win7, 
GearPlayer 4, has been upgraded to the point where it requires Win10. 
I'm not all that interested in replacing my virtual Win7.

    2061 rsteff    20   0 4847072   2.1g   2.1g S  15.3  27.4 1960:53 
    1656 rsteff    20   0 3587936 468764  91172 S  15.0   5.8 106:08.50 
  211291 rsteff    20   0  948480 463596  21044 S   0.0   5.8 0:27.43 
  147367 rsteff    20   0   32.8g 379524 131392 S   1.0   4.7 54:15.38 
  255269 rsteff    20   0 1130.9g 163716 110792 S   1.3   2.0 0:02.96 brave
  255117 rsteff    20   0 1130.9g 152504 109708 S   0.0   1.9 0:46.28 brave
  255202 rsteff    20   0 1130.9g 145808 109784 S   0.0   1.8 0:01.47 brave
  147401 rsteff    20   0   32.6g 126224  58864 S   1.0   1.6 126:21.29 
  212269 root      20   0 4302448 113208  12160 S   1.0   1.4 71:43.79 
    1344 rsteff    20   0  418448  85380  19460 S   0.0   1.1 3:15.55 
     873 root      20   0  365564  78364  52932 S   6.0   1.0 180:29.09 
  253864 root      20   0  437088  78188  27232 S   0.0   1.0 0:01.38 fwupd
  147403 rsteff    20   0   32.4g  76472  47904 S   0.0   1.0 11:04.62 
    1406 rsteff    20   0 1218504  76340  26152 S   0.0   1.0 6:01.23 
  147448 rsteff    20   0 1130.9g  66212  43440 S   0.0   0.8 0:07.16 brave
  255382 rsteff    20   0 1130.9g  66100  50572 S   0.0   0.8 0:00.01 brave
  147415 rsteff    20   0   32.4g  40088  23276 S   0.0   0.5 0:52.85 brave
  148296 rsteff    20   0   32.6g  39624  26444 S   0.0   0.5 4:54.82 brave

Of course, this is a limited list, but there are a lot of brave entries 
on it. But other than Thunderbird, most of these seem to be small 
amounts of usage.

I'll do some more research on alternatives to GearPlayer. Assuming I 
find something, I'll need to learn how to share files with my wife's 
Win7 machine. I know it's possible, but I haven't put the time into it, 
since I can do it between her machine and my virtual Win7 machine.

The other thing is that while it's annoying, I can live with the 
problem, and life keeps happening. Tomorrow we try to go get 
strawberries and then have to process them for freezing. And that's way 
more interesting and important that a sluggish machine. :-)


Dick Steffens

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