[PLUG] A hardware issue

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Thu Jun 15 13:03:08 UTC 2023

Yesterday and today when I tried to log in my desktop server/workstation I
couldn't: the monitor had no input from the desktop. Shutting down the
computer and immediately starting it brought up the startup process and the
system worked fine all day yesterday. Today's logs showed that the backups
(run starting at 00:30) all successfully completed, but the rest of root's
cron jobs (from 01:00 through 03:45) didn't.

With the various hardware I've used running linux since 1997, and up 24/7,
this has not before happened. I've no idea why the computer stops processing
some time after the backups (the last started at 00:35) and 01:00.

The desktop is still turned on but needs rebooting and I need to learn
what's wrong so I can fix it.

Help, please.


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