[PLUG] RESOLVED: VirtualBox export/import help needed -- Correction

Dick Steffens dick at dicksteffens.com
Thu Jun 15 21:35:32 UTC 2023

I've been calling the virtual machine VMware. What I use is VirtualBox. 
Not sure if it really matters, but ...

On 6/15/23 14:28, Dick Steffens wrote:
> On 6/15/23 14:16, Dick Steffens wrote:
>> As part of solving my sluggish machine issue, I'm working on setting 
>> up my alternate desktop machine. I have installed VMware on it, and 
>> copied some .ova files. However, VMware doesn't like .ova files. It 
>> says it wants .ovf. On my other machine I try to export .ovf, but 
>> that doesn't seem to be available, only .ova. How can I get the 
>> import appliance to recognize the .ova file?
> Never mind. Most of the instructions I found don't mention 
> double-clicking on the .ova file as a way to start the import process. 
> That works. Sigh. I'll be sure to add this to my install log for the 
> next time.


Dick Steffens

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