[PLUG] Linksys E8450 for "cheap"

Michael Ewan michaelewan15 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 21 19:28:11 UTC 2024

I want to put in an extra fireway sans wifi.  I saw that Linksys, and
was in the process of buying it, since all the spare routers I have
are 100mbit.  Then I saw a Lenovo SFF i3 with extra nic for $39 on
But wait, I have several unused laptops, and if I got a USB3-GigBit
ethernet dongle I could run opensense, for a total cost of $15.  This
has the benefit of running a really good firewall and not needing an
extra keyboard and display.  Has anyone used one of those USB3-Gig
dongles and knows if it can keep up with firewall traffic (my Comcast
is only running about 384Mbit).

On Sat, Dec 21, 2024 at 4:24 AM Russell Senior
<russell at personaltelco.net> wrote:
> I have talked about these before, so thought I'd mention that I
> spotted them from the Bezood for $35:
>   https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0998C9T97?th=1
> --
> Russell Senior
> russell at personaltelco.net

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