[PLUG] [PLUG-ANNOUNCE] REMINDER: Portland Linux/Unix Group General Meeting: OpenWISP at Portland State University

Kevin Williams kevin at k9w.org
Thu Oct 3 18:58:37 UTC 2024


Thanks for scouting. I would be happy to meet you at 6:30 and watch the 
door until 7:15.


On 10/2/24 21:06, Russell Senior wrote:
> Reminder that this month we are back at Portland State University, in 
> 86-01, our traditional room in the basement of the Engineering 
> Building on 4th Avenue.
> I did a scouting run down there on Monday, and my card key works on 
> the outside door and to 86-01.
> One thing of particular note, 4th Avenue is kind of torn up at the 
> moment. There is a single lane that passes the building and street 
> parking directly along 4th Avenue is extremely limited. Also the 4th 
> Avenue exit off of I-405 is closed (or was on Monday evening).
> Again, I am hoping to have someone volunteer to hang out by the 
> Engineering Building door until meeting time. I'll have a sign on the 
> outside door with a cell phone number that you can text to get let in 
> if no one is there to let you in. From the front door, go downstairs, 
> and then past the elevators to the left, and the left at the hallway, 
> then the one of the first doors on the left is 86-01.
> I will try to be there by 6:30, the talk should start at 7pm.

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