[PLUG] Next meeting topic?

Ben Koenig techkoenig at protonmail.com
Fri Oct 11 22:31:11 UTC 2024

I can do a follow up to my changelog stuff from a couple months ago. I'm right in the middle of moving the database to a cloud-hosted server so that everyone can see it :)

There were storage constraints with my little cloud server... Fedora i386 and RockyLinux have been added, bringing the total # of updates I'm tracking up over 26 million.

lgodev=# select count(*) from updates;
(1 row)

My database server was busted last time, but if I get this up then I can entertain specific questions rather than whatever I happened to prepare in advance.

On Friday, October 11th, 2024 at 3:16 PM, Russell Senior <russell at pdxlinux.org> wrote:

> I think I mentioned this at the last meeting, but I don't have a speaker
> or prospect for November yet.
> So,
> a) Does anyone have a topic they want to do a presentation on or a
> plausible lead on a speaker?
> If not, then:
> b) I am thinking about doing a kind of OpenWrt clinic at the November
> meeting. That is, I/we bring some devices, lay them out on a table, show
> what installing OpenWrt looks like, show what building OpenWrt looks
> like, maybe people can bring devices they want help with. That sort of
> thing.
> Thoughts?
> --
> Russell Senior
> PLUG Volunteer
> russell at pdxlinux.org

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