[PLUG] question on converting gif files to mp4 video

American Citizen website.reader3 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 24 01:14:41 UTC 2024


The NOAA stores graphics on their webpage 

The graphics are arranged by time, latest time at the bottom.

If you carefully observe the file size, you can locate the gif videos.

Right now I am watching Hurricane Kristy in the eastern Pacific Ocean 
which has strengthened to about Category 4.


I tried to use "ffmpeg -i NOAA_file.gif output.mkv" but the image 
quality suffers. It is even worse, if I choose the mp4 file output.

What settings must ffmpeg receive in order to create a video file of the 
highest possible quality, from these NOAA gifs?


p.s. Has anyone worked with the data from the GOES-16 and GOES-18 
directly to obtain high quality image files?

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